Monday, January 30, 2006


I am still unable to get a good internet connection at home. I frankly don't know what to do. I have tried Net Zero, but that "doesn't work for the Mac". I am working on finding other FREE ISP's(Internet Service Providers) that work for the Mac. I have thought about looking up the local Net Zero call-in number, and putting it into my mac. I would also need a free account, so that is out. And even if it would be willing to try to get Net Zero onto the Mac, I would only be able to go online for ten hours every month. I would like to get another alias on our current ISP. That would allow me to go online for an unlimited amount of hours, and I would get a free POP3 e-mail account(which I would probably never use, because I like my webmail accounts so much). It would even be linked to the main account, so that my mom could monitor the webpages that I visit. I'm 15, but she still likes to know where I go on the Internet. This problem is very frustrating, but I will find a way. The other alias wouldn't even cost extra. Oh well.

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