Thursday, June 28, 2012

Pottery Barn

Going to do some temporary work at Pottery Barn starting next week.  Excited.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Hey.  I wanted to remember a major life event that happened two weeks ago today.  Unfortunately on the day of and on subsequent days I was unable to really use the computer.  I had a concussion.  My first and hopefully last.  It's very upsetting being unable to do certain things and remember certain things.  I'm getting rapidly better but I just hope that I will make a full recovery.  I'm speaking with the Spectrum Health Post Cuncussive Clinic and Mild Brain Injury Clinic about treatment soon.  I'll keep you updated.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The future

As I fall asleep tonight, I'm filled with self doubt.  Yes this is posted at 6am.  I'm going to bed late.    Where will I be in 10 years?  Will I be happy?  I just don't know.  I am thinking about the future more and more as I age, not that I'm particularly 'aged', but still.  I wish that I blogged more often.  I'm doing a lot of facebooking now.  Perhaps I will shift more to this in the near future.  I'll just have to think about it more.  Does anyone still read this?  I hope so.