Well Fan and Peter just left. Lately, my blog posts are so rare that they seem to only occur at major points. I suppose you could call this a major point in the scope of this year at least. They are headed back to Fuzhou until August 31 at which point they will return. I am going to miss them a lot and I regret that I won't be able to see them on a daily basis anymore. I have gained so much knowledge in this past year and I'm going to miss having them around. (Wait, I've already said that, right?) It needs to be said multiple times.
The baby of course went with them. I took pictures of them as they were packing up. I helped them get the bags to the MetroCar. I reminded them to take everything off of the porch. A few minutes ago I heard someone bounding up the steps and I ran out to the stairwell hoping they forgot something. Nothing. I suppose my imagination must have gotten the better of me. Wishful thinking perhaps. Well they should arrive within two days and I will email them now and be ready to skype them later.