Thursday, January 28, 2010


I don't usually get political, but I'm getting pretty ticked off at Obama.  I found some funny Obama pics on the net, and thought that I'd share them with you guys.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Screwed up layout

So the layout of this blog is totally screwed up.  There should be a grey column that goes down the entire length of the blog so that it creates contrast.  It is not doing that right now, but I AM working on it.  I'm exploring my options including but not limited to changing the layout of the blog.  I really don't want to do that because I really like the blue layout.  I know that this is probably really boring that I'm actually bothering you, the reader, with my ramblings about  the blog's look and feel.  I have tried to turn my blog into a functional homepage for myself over the years, and frankly, I'm still working on it.  I'll continue to work on it.  Later guys.  Read the archives!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Crazy events during Phil-2200

Hey guys.  Well the weirdest thing happened today.  First there was a guy that was asking a bunch of questions about the material.  Apparently it was too much because when we went to a ten minute break, a woman came up to him and just started bitching him out.  It was really crazy.  She just came up to him and started chattering about how he was asking too many questions and how no one else could get a word in edgewise because he was asking too many questions.  The reality as I see it was that he was the only person that was calling the teacher on the fact that my teacher doesn’t seem to know ANYTHING about what he’s trying to ‘teach’ us.  He spent half an hour arguing a point and then just changes his mind immediately when he reads the book and finds out that the author disagrees with his point of view.  Then after explaining why he was wrong, he changes his mind and says that he was right after all and that the book was wrong.  It’s getting so silly.  I became so uncomfortable with her chattering away at this poor guy that I just walked out of the room.  Before I did, everyone went silent because everyone was listening to what this woman was saying.   A friend of mine that was in the class was out getting something from the vending machine.  Before she walked into the room, I pulled her aside and explained to her what was going on and why I was uncomfortable with what was going on.  She decided that she agreed with what the woman was saying and so she wanted to go in the room and bitch him out with her.  I was like do what you want to do, but I’m not involved in this and I’m not going to get involved in this.  I have a feeling that when the class ends, she’s going to bitch him out again, and my friend said that she’ll be right there next to the woman.  :(  This is totally awkward, and there is no way that I’m going to get involved.  I’m typing this in between typing up my notes.  It’s pretty crazy.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Amazon Associates

Hey guys.  I wanted to talk a little about a new feature on my site.  It's called Amazon Associates.  I have an box on the top right hand of my site.  If you search for a product you want and then go and buy it at Amazon, I get four percent of the purchase price.  It helps me to pay for certain features that could be added to the site to make it more functional for users like yourself, assuming that anyone actually reads this!  You can also just click on the Amazon logo below the search bar to go straight to  So the next time you think to go to Amazon, go through Billhonlinejournal.  Thanks!  And when you get to Amazon from your computer, go ahead and bookmark the affiliate site.  It will do exactly the same thing as because it is still, but it just allows me to make a small commission.

The other cool thing about's affiliate feature is that I can add products to the site and link them back to Amazon for people to purchase.  Just like this Motorama book that I'd love to have, but can't afford until I make enough money from the affiliate network to purchase it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

First Busy Week

Hey guys.  Well this is really the first busy week for me of this year, nay, this decade.  Classes are starting for winter semester.  I've got accounting, math, speech and intro to logic.  I have math and accounting back to back on Mondays and Wednesdays and then Intro to Logic on Fridays.  Starting in February I will add a third class on Mondays, Intro to speech.  Wish me luck.

Monday, January 11, 2010

First Post of the New Year

Well happy new year to everyone! I hope everyone had a great holiday.  It was my first Christmas and New Year in the apartment.  I was apart from my family, which was pretty strange.  I suppose I had a good time.  I'll be going back to school on Friday, but more on that later.