This is an online journal about me and my life. It is completely nonfiction and will be updated whenever possible. Enjoy this site!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Possible technical difficulties
There have been some outages recently that I would like to comment on. I have been able to edit the blog, however I haven't been able to view the blog. I can't get to Blog*Spot, but I can get to Blogger. Right now I cannot tell if it's simply on my end, or if Blogger is experiencing technical difficulties. I know that they recently launched the new version of Blogger, so it is possible that the problems are on their end, however I have been experiencing problems with the Internet connection at home. Sometimes the connection 'gets lazy' and just doesn't access the site that is demanded of it. In any case, I'll keep you all updated as the situation pans out.
Christmas 2007
Hey all. I just wanted to talk a little about x-mas. It was pretty fun this year. I got everything that I wanted plus a lot more. I would like to thank my parents and my sister for making this Christmas s special. I would also like to thank my two grandmothers for shaping my life so much.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Almost Winter Break
Well, it's almost winter break. I'm very bored because I don't have any homework to do.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I have to apologize for the post I previously published. It was wrong for me to have made generalizations. I have spoken with people that were deeply offended by that post, and I hope that we can put this behind us and continue.
Ok. There is this kid that I used to be friends with years ago back in the dark ages right? So I look him up on Facebook, and low and behold I find him. I couldn't believe this. He has turned into complete and utter trailer trash!!! I was laughing SO hard as I went through his profile. It was embarrassingly trashy. It's so humiliating for the family, I can only imagine. IT IS SO FUNNY. This kid has no sense. I was laughing so hard because anyone with half a brain knows that you shouldn't put pictures of yourself drinking Bud Light on Facebook. It's fine if you're 21, but the kid isn't even close. It's also pretty stupid to put up pictures of yourself smoking weed. Can you say 'probation officer'? ;) I would hate to be him. I think that the funniest thing about it is that he doesn't actually consider himself to be trash. While most others consider him to be trailer trash, he doesn't. I love Facebook!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Hey guys. It's official. I have my 'surgery' on January 18. Jeez, I can't wait. That's a lie, I can wait. Well, I shouldn't because it's dangerous to wait for that. Anyway I'm a little nervous, and that new movie about the guy that undergoes heart surgery while supposedly under anesthetic doesn't do anything to calm me. In the movie, the guy is knocked out but he can still feel everything that is going on. The problem is that he can't just say, "Excuse me, but can you stop?" That would totally suck!
Friday, December 07, 2007
Hey guys. The Bluetooth on my computer has been broken for some time now, and you may be wondering why I am telling you this. It's because I just discovered that somehow it started working again. I thought that was good since I spent 60 bucks on a wireless keyboard that I used for about a month before the Bluetooth broke, and I am glad that I can use it again. It's certainly not BREAKING NEWS or anything, but I felt like writing this post, so I did.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Facebook Pictures
The more that I go on Facebook, the more amused I become. People's stupidity astounds me. I find it very amusing that people put pictures of themselves drinking on Facebook. I suppose that would be "ok" if they were of legal drinking age. The funny part of this is that they are not. I don't know why people would put that on the internet when they know that they are going to be caught by the police. Since I don't drink, I have no pictures of myself drinking. However I know many people that do. I'm not sure if they think that drinking is 'cool' or something like that, but I have learned about the evils of alcoholism, and therefore choose to avoid it all together.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Changes to podcast
That weekend went by so fast. I have made a dramatic change to my podcast. Because it is going to be featured in the Tower, I have taken down all old episodes, and I am going to record all new episodes for the feature. They talk about junior year, the blog, me, the holidays, and mcuh more. I'm pretty excited about it.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Hey guys. I just found out about, and I wanted to tell you all about it. When you go to, you are asked a vocabulary question. If you answer it correctly, 10 grains of rice are donated to the United Nations charitable efforts. 10 grains of rice doesn't sound like a lot, but it snowballs into a huge amount if you play enough! Clicking on the title of this post should take you to, or you can scroll down, and I should have a link to it in my list of sites that I support. Have a great weekend.
Monday, November 19, 2007
I just wanted to tell you all about what I think of the new Pixar film Ratatouille. I loved it. It's out on DVD, and I would give it a 4.1/5. The plot and animation were very good, however I did not like the way the movie ended.
Friday, November 02, 2007
1 down, 3 to go!
Well, it's official. The first quarter of the 2007-2008 school year ends at 3:05 pm today. I am very excited about the weekend. I desperately need a break. I have been working my ass off all week! I have to admit that I am not too optimistic about my grades for the first quarter, considering all that has happened to me this October. I expect to raise them though.
This post is going to be all about teasing and back-stabbing. I have heard so much talk about people behind their backs, that I feel it's my obligation as a Blogger to comment on this disturbing trend. I want to try to dig to see as to why people do this. I won't do research for this, because as you can tell from my previous posts, I am sick of research for a few decades. You'll only get my speculation here. I want to say that I think that people talk about other people behind their backs because the gossipers are really insecure about critical flaws in their character. That's why it really doesn't bother me when people talk about me behind my back. I have better things to do than worry about what random people think of me. It does get under my skin when people talk about certain people to me. I won't mention those people because this journal is not a private one, but it is irritating when people talk to me about these people. I usually break down the feeling in order to get over it. I know that because they are putting other people down, the have flaws that are often related to what they are talking about. For example if a kid calls your brother stupid, it could mean that they feel insecure about their own intelligence. Sticking with this example, I would like to mention that at first it might get you "miffed", but you have to think about why they are saying what they are saying. It always calms me down. Have a great day.
Do you guys read the archives??? If you do, you'll notice that when I started this blog, I said that I would update at least once per week. I haven't calculated the average posts per week because I did take a large break after I started writing this blog.
I want to talk a bit about drugs now that I have some extra time. I know kids that do drugs, and I just wanted to let all of you readers(all 4 of you! LOL) know that drugs are very bad. They can take over the best of people. I have never done drugs myself, but I see drug addicts at school. It truly saddens me because I want to say that they are good people at heart, but I am too afraid to get to know them. It's kind of hard to explain, the point being that people are completely taken over by drugs. I was reading in our school paper about a few people that used to drugs. It led them into the gang life. One of the people tried to commit suicide, which is when he decided to turn his life around. I know that kid, and before I read that article, I never would have guessed that he even touched drugs. You can never really tell. If someone were to offer me drugs, I would definately say no, because of what I have seen. Even a "quick blunt" can turn out to be deadly. The point of this post is that drugs are bad, and you should avoid them at all costs.
Hey guys. I have just pulled my first all-nighter! ;) I shouldn't be too proud because it's obviously a bad habit to procrastinate. Anyway, I had this huge paper that I had to do by the end of second hour tomorrow. It feels so good to have it done. All that I have to do is email it back to myself at school, and then during class, I'll run the paper by the teacher before officially turning it in. I feel better about getting it done, even if I had to sacrifice a good night's sleep.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Busy lately.
Hey guys. I haven't been writing much. It could be because of the deaths in the family, which have me pretty busy. I have also come down with a nasty virus. It's like a cold, but a lot worse because it causes coughing fits. In the morning I have been coughing up mucus. It's pretty nasty. I just wanted to let you know that I'll try to write more coming up because I want to be able to look back at this blog in years to come. Dad's mom's burial was this morning. I attended, so my parents pulled me out of school. It seemed like it was good for closure. It seemed cliche that it was raining when we buried the body, but once it was buried the rain let up. Anyway, the family is leaving tomorrow, going back to their respective homes. I want to get together and say goodbye, because it could be a while before I see them again. :(
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Hey everyone. I just thought that I would tell you all about this neat new program that lets you create a character and interact with other people over the internet. You basically walk around this virtual world, you can shop, dance in clubs, flirt all over the internet. You have a 3D character that you control. I have met a bunch of people online that seem like neat people. Of course when using any online service like this NEVER give out your personal information. Even your name is a large risk with tracking technologies that are out today. You also need to respect other people online. Just because they can't see you doesn't mean that you can harass or verbally abuse anyone else. If you remember that and your basic NETiquette and you should be able to to use these types of sites safely. If you are under 13, always check with your parents to see what they think. Anyway, let's get back to the talk about VSide. It's so much fun. You have to download a program that is admittedly fairly large. I believe that it is about 200 megabytes. It's worth it though. Best part is that it's free!!! ;)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
more death in the family.
Not so funny coincidence my second grandmother died early monday morning
Friday, October 19, 2007
Funny YouTube Vids
I just found the funniest video on YouTube. You can view it here. There is another funny prank call video here.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Hey guys. It's me. I keep thinking abou tmy grandmother. I know that when she died, she couldn't feel anything, but I still feel so saddened by the events of last week. My grandmother had Alzheimer's Disease, which slowly causes the patient to forget everything. Then she died, she was at a stage where she couldn't remember me or my mom. It is so upsetting because it was so tragic and unexpected. It's hard to write this post because memories just keep rushing back. Anyway I hope that you had a better week than me. Today was the Junior class spirit day, but I wasn't really feeling it. By the way this entire week is Spirit Week. On Friday there is the big Varsity Football Homecoming Game, and Saturday is the Homecoming Dance. I'll write more about that later but right now, I'd like to share a moment of silence in commemoration of my grandmother's life. I hope that you paused to think about your own family and reminisce about special memories. Anyway, my family is hosting a celebration of life in honor of my grandmother. She once told me that when she died, she didn't want a funeral. Instead, she wanted us to "take the money and throw a party". She told me that in her kitchen one night when I was staying there. Well, I had better go. Remember how fragile life is and that anyone's life can be taken away from them at any moment.
PS: THIS POST WAS SUPPOSED TO BE PUBLISHED LAST MONDAY OCTOBER 8, but I never got the time to type and publish it.
PS: THIS POST WAS SUPPOSED TO BE PUBLISHED LAST MONDAY OCTOBER 8, but I never got the time to type and publish it.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
My Grandmother
This post is dedicated to my grandmother, who died early this morning after losing a battle with Alzheimer's Disease. She just turned 81. The text in this post is brown, her favorite color.
Ruth S. Rodger
September 28, 1926 - October 6, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
DH premier correction
I have to publish a correction to what I said earlier. I told you all that Desperate Housewives was premiering last Sunday. It is really premiering this Sunday at 9pm eastern/8pm.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Desperate Housewives Season 4
Hey everyone. Desperate Housewives season 4 premiers today. I can't wait to see what's in store for this season.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
uber-long post
I feel terrible right now. You can't even imagine how bad I feel right now. I had an argument with my mom and my sister. My sister refused to stop giving me dirty looks. She seems to enjoy starting conflict as long as I look like the crazy one at the end. My mom wasn't exactly helpful. I asked Lizzie to stop giving me dirty looks, and she said no. Then I asked mom to tell Lizzie to stop giving me dirty looks and she said that she didn't want to. She said that Lizzie and I should be able to work it out. The best negotiator in the world could not work it out when one party is completely unwilling to negotiate. My sister just won't stop doing these kinds of things and my mom has no apparent interest in the prevention of these occurrences. Something like this is not very common, but it is always handled inappropriately. My sister has made giant strides, bit she is still behind where I was when I was her age. I feel that my parents don't really push us to succeed. I don't know why I am writing this right now. Maybe it's therapeutic, maybe it's... I don't know. If you are reading this on the computer, you should know that the original copy of this was hand-written on paper in ink. I suppose I should continue discussing open wounds in the hope that I will find some sort of resolution or closure. If I could have anything at all, I would change my parents into proactive people who stride to achieve not only financial success, but personal success as well. It's times like these, where I just... I just want peace. I am listening to Frou Frou as I write this. For some reason that some has always relaxed me. I don't know why though. Recently, I have started going to the gym with one of my classmates. He's pretty cool. I am lying down in the Family Room right now which looks out at the lake. The view is just beautiful. I'll try to describe it for you all but my ability to go into deep levels of description is practically non-existant. As I look out at my front yard, I see a green lawn framed by potted plants right outside the window. Looking past the grass, there are dark green bushes that are probably about 8 feet tall. Though I can't see the road from this angle, because it is hidden behind the bushes, it is there. Past that is Lake St. Clair. I had better wrap this up because I'm getting very tired, so I'll just type this up and put it on the blog. Happy reading!
Haven't Written
I haven't written anything in a while, so I feel obligated to tell you all that school is going well. Junior year is busy. I'm in Geo and World Affairs right now. We're on the computer. We're not really doing anything. There was this kid who broke his computer and then started yelling at the teacher. We all had to stifle a laugh. The kid is a little loopy.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Junior Year Update
Hey all, I would like to update everyone on Junior year. It's going fine. My favorite class right now is debate.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Junior Year
Hey everyone. i'm officially a junior. Anyway here's my schedule.
American Lit
Debate (Semester 1)
(Haven't decided on a s2 course)
Algebra 2
Geometry (S1)
Again haven't decided s2
spanish 1
Geo & World Affairs(I'm replacing the grade I got sophomore year)
US History
American Lit
Debate (Semester 1)
(Haven't decided on a s2 course)
Algebra 2
Geometry (S1)
Again haven't decided s2
spanish 1
Geo & World Affairs(I'm replacing the grade I got sophomore year)
US History
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Our 2 day "vacation"
So far, it hasn't been a vacation. My 15 year old sister(yes there is a one in front of that 5) just has to watch Spongebob Squarepants and Disney Channel. How old are we??? Anyway we're crammed into a spot smaller than Birchwood and I feel as though I'm at my wits end. Unlike a normal family, we can't go on a regular vacation. We have to change plans and find somewhere to stay because we were going to stay at my grandmother's house up there, but naturally she has to get a tooth pulled, so we have to completely change our plans. Then on the day that we were supposed to leave for vacation(today), my dad gets a work email, and we have to push back our departure two hours. We get here at 3:30, and while my mom is checking out the apartment, my sister, my dad and I are bringing up the stuff. Of course the minute we get somewhat settled, my mom decides to start up about how I should go walking around town. When it comes close to dinnertime I assume that we'll go out somewhere, but of course my mom has other plans. Insisting on going cheap even on "vacation" she decides that we will cook our own meals and my sister decides on tacos. It wasn't like any other of us had any choice. So they went out and bought that. They just got back, and this is where we are...oops, my dad told me to pick something up. I'll be right back. :) OK back. I'll let you know if I actually have fun on this vacation.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Haven't Written in a while...
Hi everyone. I'm really sorry that I haven't written. I have not been up to much. I am just lying down right now. I got back from vacation the monday after I wrote that last post. There is a possibility that we'll go back up north for a few days. I'm praying that we do. I'm even willing to give up internet for that time. It's not like I've been using the internet for much anyway. I haven't checked my email in so long, my inbox is probably overflowing. Anyway I think I'll check it. l8r. OH BY THE WAY, on another note we have to wear these stupid "lanyards" around our necks. They have ID on them. It's going to be terrible. What do you think?? Leave a comment!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Vacation day 1
Hey everyone. I'm on vacation as I write this. No, I'm not a posh resort or on a relaxing cruise... I'm in Harbor Springs. I wish you all could see me right now. We're at the Birchwood Inn. It's a motel-type place. We got a two room suite. It's nice, because I get my own room, and Lizzie, mom, and dad share the other. I gave up the luxury of a good night's sleep. The bed is an ancient futon that is just terrible to sleep on. But I digress. I wanted to tell you all that I'm having a wonderful time right now. Because it's so late, I'm locked out of the main building, and I am right outside, so I can get the wifi to post this. I have been to Turkey's a local restaurant. They do breakfast, lunch and dinner but it's not like a typical restaurant. They have very friendly staff. I was chatting with one of the employees, who goes to the local high school Harbor Springs High, or just Harbor High. Anyway, they have like 300 kids in their entire high school. We have 300 in our grade! I want to talk about Harbor. When I asked the girl what there is to do up here, she said nothing. I thought, wow nothing on Grosse Pointe either. She apparently goes to Petoskey, a neighboring city. Petoskey has a theatre, so naturally, it is more interesting. Because I'm not publishing this post immediately, I would like to say it's 11:59:54 PM on Thursday. Anyway I would like to say that I'm having a good time here.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Vacation 2007
Hey everyone. I'm on vacation as I write this. No, I'm not a posh resort or on a relaxing cruise... I'm in Harbor Springs. I wish you all could see me right now. We're at the Birchwood Inn. It's a motel-type place. We got a two room suite. It's nice, because I get my own room, and Lizzie, mom, and dad share the other. I gave up the luxury of a good night's sleep. The bed is an ancient futon that is just terrible to sleep on. But I digress. I wanted to tell you all that I'm having a wonderful time right now. Because it's so late, I'm locked out of the main building, and I am right outside, so I can get the wifi to post this. I have been to Turkey's a local restaurant. They do breakfast, lunch and dinner but it's not like a typical restaurant. They have very friendly staff.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Interesting... And not always in a good way
There are some real characters in this class. Thank god it's the last day!!!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Good Morning America! (and good morning to all of our international viewers) I just have to say sorry for not writing enough. I will be able to keep you updated on my vacation, and maybe I can get to my goal of thirty posts this month. Like I said earlier, it's writing month! Anyway I'm sleepy, but I'm going on vacation in Harbor Springs starting Wednesday night, so I'll try to keep you updated. Thank god for this vacation. It is definately needed. :)
Hey everybody, I just won the review game and I get 22.5 extra points on my final exam!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
I just sent a letter to the FCC talking about Net neutrality. You can view it here. L8r
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Monday, August 06, 2007
Howdy all. No, I'm not from Texas but I can still say that. I just thought that I would give you an update on how last weekend went. I was, as usual, very bored and fairly tired after a terrible week at summer school. It did feel nice to have somewhat of a hiatus though. Well that's over. I spent most of last weekend watching DVD's and playing on the computer, however, I have gotten some reading done. I have to say that Harry Potter 7 is getting pretty interesting. I want to finish it, but I have been doing a lot of sleeping lately. To be honest, I would rather be locked in a 10X10 cell from 8-1:45 instead of this summer school. At least in solitary I would not have to deal with the people that I am trying to deal with. Notice that I said trying. I am about to explode. Anyway, I am never going to attend summer school again. That is a given.
More summer school
Hey everyone. I just want to give you all an update on how incredibly boring summer school is. I am tired and I feel like I could fall asleep at any given moment. Even worse, there's a kid next to me that clearly has some kind of a problem controling the temper. He has lashed out at a lot of people including the teacher and myself. I think that the kid just has some anger issues that need to be worked out. Anyway I have been having a horrible time here. I just want to go home right now. :) I'll try to keep you updated on all that is happening on my end. Have a better day than me.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Computer Screen
I have been staring at this stupid computer screen all day. It's driving me nuts. I can't wait to get to blockbuster and switch movies.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Hey everyone. I have been working feverishly to get all of the previous posts labeled so that they can be easily accessed. With labels, you can click on a topic of interest, and see all posts related to that topic. I assign the labels, and I have been working hard to make sure that I have everything labeled so that everyone can access it, and we dont have to dig deep in the archives to find something. Hope you use them. Read the archives!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Almost done
Well folks, I'm almost done with my first day of summer school. I'll try to keep you all posted, but today has been extremely depressing, so I cannot guarentee that I will post anymore once I get home. I'll probably take a nap and chat with some friends on the phone. Unless they are all working. I know Rach isn't, but Pete might be. Well l8r.
Bored out of my mind
Hey everyone. I just wanted to say hi. It is truly amazing that I am halfway through the first day. I am so incredibaly bored. I am out of my mind. To be honest I'm so bored I wouldn't mind if I got some extra work. At least it would be something to do. I noticed this with my previous teacher; in summer school, they give way too much time for assignments. As a result, the flunkies are encouraged to be lazy and the people that actually do work, like me, are bored out of their minds. It is kind of cold in here as well. I'm in expository writing. It's a class that is supposed to teach us how to write, but I don't really think that I'm going to learn anything here, if the first three hours is any indication. I wish everyone the best. I'm writing this on my break, and I'm trying to write very quickly because I only have 15 minutes to do this. That being said, please ignore any spelling or grammar mistakes. This won't be the first time that I make a mistake like that. I hope you all are haveing a much better day than I am having. Bye.
Yahoo! Answers
Hello again. I just wanted to say kudos to Yahoo! for their outstanding service Yahoo! Answers. I am angry that it is the reason that Yahoo! is discontinuing their Ask Yahoo! newsletter, but I am happy that Yahoo! has come out with their Answers service. They had a cool promotion where they send out free tote bags to anyone who signed up for Yahoo! Answers and pledged to be enviornmentally friendly and help out with the enviornment section of the site. I did that, and I got a nifty tote out of the deal. I have answered many questions in the enviornmental section, and I got free lightbulbs sent to me as part of the deal. So that's pretty cool. That's pretty much all I wanted to talk about in this post, so I'll write to you all later. Bye! PS: Read the archives!
The New Class
This new class is incredably boring. At least with the old class, I had entertaining people in the class to pass the time. This class is going very slowly. I'm trying to pass time over the break by writing this and doing stuff on Yahoo! Answers. L8r
Back in Summer School
Hey everybody. I'm back in summer school. Blah.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
My Time Filming Literally
Just in case you didn't read the previous post I wrote before the filming, Literally is a biblical satire about a guy that convinces a group of churchgoers to take the bible literally. Anyway I was an extra. It was so much fun. We filmed in downtown Detroit near the Wayne State University campus. The filming was a lot of fun, but I had to sit in a church pew for like three hours watching the same two scenes being practiced and then filmed over and over again. It was very educational though because I learned all about how the movies are filmed. I was sitting behind some of the speaking parts, so I'm sure that I will end up in the final cut of the movie. I am so excited because I will get to go to a special cast/crew screening, and I'll get a free copy of the film on DVD. I also got to meet a bunch of cool people. I met Chloe Greenfield and her mom. You might or might not recognize Chloe from the movie 8 Mile. She played Eminem's daughter. You might have also recognized her from the TV show ER. She plays John Stamos's daughter. To be honest, when I saw her on the cast list, and saw that she did all of those major parts, I expected her to be your stereotypical spoiled child star. Instead I was surprised to find out that she was an unspoiled, regular girl. Her mom was so funny too. They were both very nice, and I look forward to seeing the entire cast and crew again at the screening.
Pete's Graduation
Just wanted to give a shoutout to my friend Pete who just had his graduation party yestreday. It was fun, and I got to see some other friends as well. Sometime, I'll get teh time to write a post about my time filming Literally, but I have to go right now, so I can't. Bye! READ THE ARCHIVES! :)
Summer School Update
Hey everyone. I just thought that I would take this opportunity to give you guys an update on how summer school is going. It has had some conflict, but I think that the replaced grade will be worth it. I definately don't want to do this again! More to come.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Sex With Emily Podcast
I have been listening to the Sex with Emily podcast recently, and I've found it to be very entertaining. It's the podcast version of the live radio show that airs in San Francisco. I would recommend that you check it out. I have to say that it's fairly liberal, although you could guess that based on the fact that I mentioned earlier: "airs in San Francisco". ;)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Fast Food Nation
I just saw Fast Food Nation and let me tell you, it was the sickest, most disturbing movie that I have ever seen. Frankly I think that with the amount of blood and gore in that movie, it should be banned from distribution. It was rated "R", but let me tell you, I had to fast forward through a lot of the movie because they showed all of the graphic details of how the cattle were slaughtered. The movie should be rated "NC-17" or maybe even "X" This movie is sickening, and I sincerely hope that you don't ever have to watch it. I won't be getting much sleep tonight. It was definately not advertised as a violent movie. I was appalled and disgusted
Monday, July 09, 2007
Well my schedule is weird right now. I have never gone to school in the summer so I feel jaded when I get home. I would rather have something to do. I don't really know. This is so weird. Summer school is scheduled so that it doesn't take all day but it takes up enough of your day to keep you from enjoying it. It's four days/week which makes it even worse because if it was 5 of better yet 6 days a week, it would not be so prolonged throughout the summer.
No more summer vaca
Well you guys my summer vacation lasted a good three weeks, but now it's over. I am going to summer school. After summer school lets out I have one week of preparation before school starts. My three week summer vacation is now over. I have to laugh at it. To be honest I don't really mind summer school because I get credit in my classes. My parents claimed that they would let me drive my grandmothers car if I passed all of my summer school classes. I'm sure that I will because the teachers are easy, and I look like a genius in comparison to many of the other people that are taking summer school this year. I will never really be driving my grandmother's car. I know my parents well enough that they will figure out a way so that they can keep me working without letting me drive the car. I don't mind though because I don't need to drive anywhere. There isn't anywhere to go. My life seems so depressing when I look at it from the outside. I see a kid that used to have dreams of driving until he found out that driving isn't worth half of the shit that comes along with it. Car payments, taxes, forget it! Right now I'm focused on getting into a college far from home. I have recently taken up jogging to get out of the house. It's a nice break, but when it's 90 de-fucking-grees, it's absolutely impossible to do anything but sit on my ass. I'm not in a good mood today if that isn't obvious. I suppose that it's good that I'm venting this out of my system, but I'm still pissed off that nothing is going to change. I think that I am going to try very hard this upcoming year to get outstanding grades so that I won't get stuck in this shitty situation again.
This is ridiculous. My parents refuse to get air conditioning. To be honest we're wasting money because I'm taking 6 showers a day to stay cool. That's got to cost money. It has to be 90 degrees here.
Hey everybody.
I'm at lunch right now. Yes I'm in summer school because I have to repeat Bio because I did terribly in the class. Got to go.
funny stuff
I just read this hilarious line:
You can choose your friends, but you're stuck withHow great is that?
the jokers you have to call family.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Casting Call Y'all
Hey everybody. I recently answered a casting call to be an extra in a short film called Literally. I am so excited to be a part of the project. I'll probably only have my hair in the shot for like three seconds. Even so, I will be so excited because it's the first project that I have worked on that isn't a no-budget thing. The first one to be released for distribution to the general public. So check out the website! Have a great evening. By the way it films on Saturday July 14, so I'll be able to write all about it then.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Happy Belated Birthday
Happy belated birthday to the USA which turned 231 years old on the fourth of July!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Raw Vegan Radio
My Odeo Channel (odeo/ebce2740747b90e0)
Saturday, June 30, 2007
This post is my 300th post. I am shocked. When I started the blog, I never thought that I would get this far. I guess that I was wrong huh. Well I have to go but I wanted to mention this accomplishment.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
A Weird Memory
Ok, for some reason, I just remembered a book that I read like 9 months ago. It was about these two guys, one was a jock, and one was a nerd. The jock was always teasing the nerd. I think the nerd got revenge in the end, but the reason that I'm telling you this is because I remembered a specific quote from the book. The jock was talking about how his parents never spent any time with him, and they bribed him with cash to make up for it. He was actually complaining about it. I would love for my parents to give me cash.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Hey everybody. I have been doing more of nothing the last few days. A little stuff here and there. I was thinking about making this cool new flash animated menu for you, but it wont work with blogger for some reason. Don't ask me I don't know.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Hey everybody, I just want to congratulate Google on being itself. I just googled some old friends from way, way back just for fun to see what would come up. I googled Chris B., Chris J., Daniel B., Kyle S., Molly A. and Robert D. I am protecting their identities, but noting the first initial of the last name so I'll be able to know who they are when I read the archives. It's just so funny that relevant results actually came up for most of these people. Google is amazing.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Top Played songs
I was thinking about what I should put on the blog, and then I decided that this might be a cool thing to try. Here are my top 25 played songs in iTunes:
- Love is a Battle Field-Pat Benetar
- In The End-Linkin Park
- Real Gone-Sheryl Crow
- Isn't She Lovely-Stevie Wonder
- Hanging by a moment-Lifehouse
- I Don't-Danielle Peck
- What's love got to do with it-Tina Turner
- Crush-Jennifer Paige
- I'm Blue-Eifel
- She Works Hard For The Money-Donna Summer
- It's My Life-Bon Jovi
- I Touch Myself-The Divinyls
- Mr. Brightside-The Killers
- Don't Speak-No Doubt
- Life Is a Highway-Rascall Flatts
- So Happy Together-The Turtles
- Breathe-Anna Nalick
- Show Me Love-Robyn
- Everytime We Touch-Cascada
- Stacy's Mom-Fountains of Wayne
- You gotta Be-Des'ree
- Dirty Little Secret-All American Rejects
- Lips of an Angel-Hinder
- Move Along-All American Rejects
- Torn-Natalie Imbruglia
not that hot
Hey everybody. Thank god today wasn't that hot. I have mentioned this before, but I would like to mention it again. This is the first time in years that I have not done sailing in the summer. I'm not going to lie, it's depressing. Anyway this post was supposed to talk about the weather. Well, whatever. Bye.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Sleeping and Showering...
Upon looking at the title of this post, you must be thinking: He's finally cracked, but I assure you I haven't. (At least not yet! ;) ) I just wanted to complain/comment on the fact that it's 92º outside, and I don't have air conditioning. That means that it's about 82º inside. YUCK! All that I have been doing today is sleeping and showering. I am so unbelievably exhausted!!! Well, have a good night. It should be 88º tomorrow, 78º on Wednesday, 85º Thursday, 82º Friday, and 85º on Saturday. Hopefully the weather will cool down some after that. I'll keep writing, even if I have to go to the hospital for heat stroke. JK. Sincerely
PS: READ THE ARCHIVES. They are soo much fun!
PS: READ THE ARCHIVES. They are soo much fun!
Summer Vaca
Hey y'all. It's summer vacation. I'm not doing Jr. Sailing for the first time in like seven years. I almost miss it. I don't really know what I will be doing this summer. I will have all of this unstructured free time. I have no idea what I will do and how I will survive this summer. :0 w/e(that's whatever for those of you that don't know.) At least I will be able to write a lot this summer. Hold on... Sorry I had to answer a call. :) I lost my train of thought so I'm juts going to end this post. l8r
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Hey all you readers, you can tune this message out because it's for my family. We had an arguement tonight and I just wanted to apologize. I can't say that I am not at all to blame, because I played a part. I just hope that everyone involved learns from this experience and I'm praying that it will not happen again.
Love to all,
Love to all,
I just found a Googlewhack. A googlewhack is made up of two words that when you search them on google only come up with one result. It is extremely difficult to find one, but I did. "hello" is the one. Usually as soon as someone tells other people about it, they get posted somewhere on the web, so it's hard to find one.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
That last post has to be the longest post that I have ever written!
My account for today
Well, I had a very interesting day today at school. Here are some highlights:
All Day: Last day attending all classes
1st hour: This was the only day without my two best friends. They are seniors so they graduate early.
2nd hour: uneventful
3rd Hour: Dissection=gross!
4th Hour: uneventful
5th Hour: PARTY!!! We had a party on our last day of marketing II. It was fun, but about ten minutes before 6th hour we had a fire drill.
6th and 7th Hour: We started to watch the Clio awards (companies get awards for the best Superbowl commercials) in business management when the power went off. The door to the hallway was open, and we heard other kids yelling "YAY!!!". Then the power went back on quickly and we heard "OOooo." The power lasted for probably two minutes before again going down. Our principal Mr. Diver was communicating with the school through the P.A. system throughout the ordeal, however I feel that the situation was not properly handled by the administration. Anyway, the power flipped on and off for a few minutes, and then came on for about ten minutes. Mr. Diver came onto the P.A., and announced: "Attention students and staff, we believe that the power failures are o---" and the power went down. It was like they timed it or something. It was so unbelievably funny. Mr. Diver came on before this outage and asked that students remain in classrooms until further notice. He said that if the power goes out again, students should be in classrooms. I decided to stand at the door inside the classroom and peek down the hall to see what was going on in the hallway. There were a few students that I saw in the hallway scampering to their classes, but I wasn't able to see very far. It was absolutely pitch black save a little light that was coming through the window in the stairwell to the first floor. The power came back on a few minutes later.
A few minutes after the power came on, we were told that we could go to our seventh hour classes. The power remained on during transition time (thank god), but failed soon after 7th hour started. I had called my mom during 6th hour, but she didn't pick up her cell phone.
That's when the rumors started. The GP South rumor mill was going at full speed. There were four stories that I heard:
• Story 1: In the J-Lot, next to a somewhat major street and next to our athletic field a car had blown up.
• Story 2: A tree had fallen somewhere onto a student's car.
• Story 3: The roof of the S-Building was on fire.
• Story 4: A house near the school was burning down because of a downed tree.
This may sound silly to you, but since no one really knew what was going on, and teachers were just as clueless as the students rumors were bound to start right? Anyway as far as I know all of the stories except story number two ended up being false. I asked my 7th hour teacher if I could go outside for a minute to check and see if the there really was a burning car in the J-Lot, and I ran into an assistant principal Mrs. Yankee a rough transcript of the conversation is as follows (Quotes are what I remember to be the exact words spoken, non-quotes may have minor word variations)
YANKEE: Can I help you?
ME: Well I was just wondering if a car really has been crushed by a tree in the J-Lot.
YANKEE: "What's it to you?"
ME: "Well, I was just curious."
She then checked my hall-pass, and I went on my way. I traveled down the hall to the gym, made a left and went outside. I went to the athletic field where a few seniors seemed to be walking the track for the last time. I looked over to the J-Lot, and of course, there was no blown-up car. I then went alongside the tennis courts on the sidewalk towards the Main Building, and passed the doors to look over the front lawn. I saw a fire truck and an ambulance parked on Grosse Pointe Bvld. I then went back to the side doors and went inside. When I got back to the classroom the class was watching anime that a student brought in because we had extra time. I told everyone that all of the rumors were false, because I didn't see the downed tree, because it was blocked from my view. We had a few more minor failures, and at around 2:43 Mr. Diver came on the P.A. and announced that we will have early dismissal.
In conclusion, I must criticize the administration on their handling of the situation. I think that they could have done a much better job of getting information to the students and staff members who had nothing but rumors to go on for information. As a student, I can say that I was fairly on edge about the situation because I didn't know what information to rely on. Generally, you should ignore rumors, but you don't know if the administration told someone who told someone who told you or if someone made it up and told someone who told someone who told you. What keeps popping up in my mind is the idea of a back-up generator. Why doesn't the school have one? Even with the budget deficit isn't the loss of the last day for in-class preparation worth a few thousand dollars for a generator. If Mrs. Yankee, Mr. Diver, Mrs. Murphy(the other assistant principal) are reading this, I hope that you take my comments to heart. For those of us who didn't have the air conditioning, it was uncomfortable.
All Day: Last day attending all classes
1st hour: This was the only day without my two best friends. They are seniors so they graduate early.
2nd hour: uneventful
3rd Hour: Dissection=gross!
4th Hour: uneventful
5th Hour: PARTY!!! We had a party on our last day of marketing II. It was fun, but about ten minutes before 6th hour we had a fire drill.
6th and 7th Hour: We started to watch the Clio awards (companies get awards for the best Superbowl commercials) in business management when the power went off. The door to the hallway was open, and we heard other kids yelling "YAY!!!". Then the power went back on quickly and we heard "OOooo." The power lasted for probably two minutes before again going down. Our principal Mr. Diver was communicating with the school through the P.A. system throughout the ordeal, however I feel that the situation was not properly handled by the administration. Anyway, the power flipped on and off for a few minutes, and then came on for about ten minutes. Mr. Diver came onto the P.A., and announced: "Attention students and staff, we believe that the power failures are o---" and the power went down. It was like they timed it or something. It was so unbelievably funny. Mr. Diver came on before this outage and asked that students remain in classrooms until further notice. He said that if the power goes out again, students should be in classrooms. I decided to stand at the door inside the classroom and peek down the hall to see what was going on in the hallway. There were a few students that I saw in the hallway scampering to their classes, but I wasn't able to see very far. It was absolutely pitch black save a little light that was coming through the window in the stairwell to the first floor. The power came back on a few minutes later.
A few minutes after the power came on, we were told that we could go to our seventh hour classes. The power remained on during transition time (thank god), but failed soon after 7th hour started. I had called my mom during 6th hour, but she didn't pick up her cell phone.
That's when the rumors started. The GP South rumor mill was going at full speed. There were four stories that I heard:
• Story 1: In the J-Lot, next to a somewhat major street and next to our athletic field a car had blown up.
• Story 2: A tree had fallen somewhere onto a student's car.
• Story 3: The roof of the S-Building was on fire.
• Story 4: A house near the school was burning down because of a downed tree.
This may sound silly to you, but since no one really knew what was going on, and teachers were just as clueless as the students rumors were bound to start right? Anyway as far as I know all of the stories except story number two ended up being false. I asked my 7th hour teacher if I could go outside for a minute to check and see if the there really was a burning car in the J-Lot, and I ran into an assistant principal Mrs. Yankee a rough transcript of the conversation is as follows (Quotes are what I remember to be the exact words spoken, non-quotes may have minor word variations)
YANKEE: Can I help you?
ME: Well I was just wondering if a car really has been crushed by a tree in the J-Lot.
YANKEE: "What's it to you?"
ME: "Well, I was just curious."
She then checked my hall-pass, and I went on my way. I traveled down the hall to the gym, made a left and went outside. I went to the athletic field where a few seniors seemed to be walking the track for the last time. I looked over to the J-Lot, and of course, there was no blown-up car. I then went alongside the tennis courts on the sidewalk towards the Main Building, and passed the doors to look over the front lawn. I saw a fire truck and an ambulance parked on Grosse Pointe Bvld. I then went back to the side doors and went inside. When I got back to the classroom the class was watching anime that a student brought in because we had extra time. I told everyone that all of the rumors were false, because I didn't see the downed tree, because it was blocked from my view. We had a few more minor failures, and at around 2:43 Mr. Diver came on the P.A. and announced that we will have early dismissal.
In conclusion, I must criticize the administration on their handling of the situation. I think that they could have done a much better job of getting information to the students and staff members who had nothing but rumors to go on for information. As a student, I can say that I was fairly on edge about the situation because I didn't know what information to rely on. Generally, you should ignore rumors, but you don't know if the administration told someone who told someone who told you or if someone made it up and told someone who told someone who told you. What keeps popping up in my mind is the idea of a back-up generator. Why doesn't the school have one? Even with the budget deficit isn't the loss of the last day for in-class preparation worth a few thousand dollars for a generator. If Mrs. Yankee, Mr. Diver, Mrs. Murphy(the other assistant principal) are reading this, I hope that you take my comments to heart. For those of us who didn't have the air conditioning, it was uncomfortable.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
We need to catch up!
Hey everyone. I hope that you are having a good day wherever you are. I have a lot to talk about today, so I'll be writing plenty today!
On at school
Hey ya'll. I can get on Blogger at school for some reason. I dont know why, but it's great. They usually have it blocked out because it is considered to be "personal pages" but I am obviously on now for some reason.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Hey everybody. I just wanted to say that I have unlimited email storage space on my Yahoo! account. It's really great because now I don't have to delete any more email. Even with a gig of email, it was tough because I used like 94% of it. Anyway, I don't know how Yahoo! plans to allow their over 500,000,000 users to have unlimited storage space. Who cares, it's cool.
No I'm just kidding. I'm just trying to see if I can get Blogger to
let me email my posts in, and they will post it for me.
Language Barrier
I have been having some issues with the language on the blog archive menu. It keeps switching the language of the names of the months to a foreign language that I don't know. You can guess the names of the months, but I am going to contact Blogger none the less and see what they make of it.
Early Morning Post
Hey y'all school doesn't start until 9 something so I thought that I should write an early morning post. I don't really know what to say so I'll just say good morning. I hope that you had a good night's rest and I also hope that you have a good day today. What did you have for breakfast today? Tell me in the comment section! OH, and read the archives!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Ratatouille Update
Hey everybody. Just in case you are as excited about the upcoming Pixar film Ratatouille(pronounced Rat-a-too-ee) as I am, you will love these backgound images that I got off of the film's website. They are copyrighted so don't go changing them. If you click on the title of this post, you will be sent to the Ratatouille movie website where you can view a 9 minute clip of the move with a foreword by Brad Bird, the writer and director of Ratatouille, and the writer/director of The Incredibles. I can't wait to see Ratatouille. Here are the background images that I promised:

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Spider-man 1, 2 and 3
Today I wanted to talk a little bit about the Spider-man movies. I know, I know: lame right? I have to admit that I was quite surprised to find the movies to be very exciting. The part where Harry is about to kill Spider-man was exciting, but the whole "You killed my father" thing was way too cliche, and soap opera-ish. You should definitely see the two movies
2000th Visitor
I am proud to announce that we have had our two-thousandth visitor to the site recently. As I type this, the counter is at 2012, but I wanted to brag about the 2000th visitor anyway. :)
No Jobs
I am so ticked off because there seem to be no jobs available. I have tried Borders, Barnes and Noble, Blockbuster, Panera, Caribou Coffee, Starbucks, Altanta Bread Co., and more. None of them are hiring under 18. I kept thinking, "They won't get any more of my business!" It's really bothering me because I really need a job. If only for the summer because I decided against signing up for the DYC sailing team, as I have done every year for 7 years. Oh well.
Wierd GPA girls
There have been some weird girls that have been yelling my name as I walk home from school. They go to Grosse Pointe Academy, and I find it a bit creepy that they seem so obsessed with me. It's really weird. They all ask; "Is your name Bill?". It kind of freaks me out.
Final Exams
Well, final Exams are fast-approaching, and I am going to be ready for them this year. I am confident that I will do well on at least most of my finals. I know that I won't be amazing in Math, but oh well. The only thing that I can do is study and hope for the best.
Senior Skip Day
Today was Senior Skip Day, so almost all of the seniors skipped today. Even some Juniors skipped. That's not cool for a non-Senior to skip on Senior Skip Day, because the day is really for the Seniors. It's unofficial, but almost every Senior does it. The only Seniors that don't skip on Senior Skip Day, are seniors that have skipped so much that they can't afford one more unexcused absence.
5 things today
7 things to talk about today:
- Senior Skip Day
- Final Exams
- Weird GPA girls
- No Jobs
- 2000th visitor.
- Spider-man 1, 2 and 3
- Driving Update
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Memorial Day 2007
In a few hours it will be memorial day. Yippee. Since you couldn't hear me, I'll tell you right now that I was being sarcastic. Actually it is a good day because I get the day off from school. I am not sure if I have written about Memorial Day in previous posts, so to be safe, I named this one Memorial Day 2007. Anyway, I wanted to say that tonight the family is separated. Lizzie wanted to spend the night on Celebration(Our sailboat that we used to live on during the summers), and I wanted to stay home, since I always find it odd sleeping on the boat before school starts. So my mom is here with me and my dad is with my sister. Well, I might be writing tomorrow. Only time will tell. <-That last sentence sounded so psychological. That's why it's italicized.. ;) Anyway, they say that Memorial Weekend is the prime time road-trip holiday for American tourists. So I have decided to end this post with: wherever you are, Good Night.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Season Finale
OK, you guys probably know by now that I'm hooked on the housewives. I just saw the season three finale. Edie Brit killed herself. I couldn't believe it. Anyway, there won't be any new episodes until next fall, so it will leave me in doubt. :)
OK, so I just filled out the application, so all I can do now is wait.
I am going to apply for a position at Panera! Wish me luck!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Funny stuff
Hey ya'll, hey ya'll what's crackin? nothing bad I hope. :) Anyway, I wanted to tell you all this hilarious joke that I heard on Comedy Central standup. The comedian was Sung Hee Park(South Korean) She said: What is the difference between Michael Jackson and a grocery bag? One is made of white plastic and dangerous to young children, and the other is a grocery bag. Ok, how funny is that? I just loved that joke. Speaking of funny, has anyone seen white chicks? That has to be one of the funniest movies that I have ever seen. My favorite scene has to be the scene with the dressing room. It was so funny when he was trying to get the small clothing on.
Friday, May 18, 2007
bday for lizzie
Tomorrow is my sister's birthday! Happy birthday liz!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
What's new at Yahoo!?
I just saw the news: Yahoo is rolling out UNLIMITED FREE ONLINE EMAIL STORAGE. Until now, that didn't exist anywhere on the web.
Friday, May 11, 2007
There is a scheduled outage at 4pm Pacific time. Blogger will be shut down for maintenence. If you experience problems, leave the site, and return in about 15 minutes. You should be fine. Don't worry: the blog's not going anywhere. ;)
Oh and read the archives
Oh and read the archives
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Social Studies Project
I havea social studies project that is due tomorrow. It is a large project, but I can think about it right now, as much as I am desperately trying to. All I can think about is driving, and how my parents are keeping it from me. I would rather them give me a date, even if it is far in the future than have me holding on to a hope just to have it crushed. My parents are good at having me wait just to tell me that I cannot drive because I am not mature enough to drive.
My parents and I have had a large and ongoing disagreement regarding my driving. They think that I am not mature to drive on my own. I believe that I am. They acknowledge that I am a good driver, but they are citing isolated incidents as to why they don't think that I should drive.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Hey everybody! I just added a Creative Commons License to the site. I was amazed at how easy it was to do! Creative Commons is sort of like an online copyright. It is now illegal to distribute any material on this blog in certain ways without my written consent. I like having it, not that I really expect any of you to take this blog, and turn it into a novel about my life, but it's nice to know that I have thi just in case.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Movie Weekend
Hey y'all. Like the new look? I'm almost done refining it. :) Hope you all love it! Anyway I wanted to talk about all of the movies that I have seen recently. This weekend I have seen Happy Feet, Night At The Museum, Dreamgirls, and the Impressionist for the first time. I can definately say that this was my movie weekend. I am going to watch a new episode of Desperate in about thirty minutes, so I have to go get ready. :)
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Beauty and the beast
I just wanted to say that I saw out school play Beauty and The Beast on opening day last Friday, and I have to say that I loved it. Shout-outs to actors Nick, Jon, Paul and Maria. Thanks to all of the cast and crew for making it such an enjoyable production to see. They had a huge budget, and it definitely looks like they have used it well! :) Read the archives! l8r
New Site
Hey everybody! I just wanted to ask you to check out the new site. I've had some problems with it, but I have fixed most of them. The major problem came when I first upgraded what is called the 'template'. They kept telling me to upgrade, so I did, and it erased EVERYTHING!! I was so angry with blogger. But I have put most of the services back up onto the site, and of course I will keep blogging as my life progresses. ;) l8r OH! and read the archives! :)
Thursday, April 12, 2007
well this is the first time in a long time that I have decided to log in to update the blog twice in one day. I will be coming out with further posts as time progresses.
Here is a list of hotlines for your convience:
1800 SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) SUICIDE PREVENTION
1800 COCAINE(1-800-262-2463) COCAINE ABUSE
1800 4 A CHILD(1-800-422-4453) CHILD ABUSE
1-800-766-6779 MARIJUANA ANON.
1-800-799-7233 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE
1-888-453-5900 SEXUAL ASSAULT
1800 SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) SUICIDE PREVENTION
1800 COCAINE(1-800-262-2463) COCAINE ABUSE
1800 4 A CHILD(1-800-422-4453) CHILD ABUSE
1-800-766-6779 MARIJUANA ANON.
1-800-799-7233 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE
1-888-453-5900 SEXUAL ASSAULT
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
i just added this cool little service called chatango to my blog. check it out. leave me a message.
I am dying to see this movie! Download the trailer here.
PLOT SYNOPSIS: A rat named Remy dreams of becoming a great French chef despite his family’s wishes and the obvious problem of being a rat in a decidedly rodent-phobic profession. When fate places Remy in the sewers of Paris, he finds himself ideally situated beneath a restaurant made famous by his culinary hero, Auguste Gusteau.
PLOT SYNOPSIS: A rat named Remy dreams of becoming a great French chef despite his family’s wishes and the obvious problem of being a rat in a decidedly rodent-phobic profession. When fate places Remy in the sewers of Paris, he finds himself ideally situated beneath a restaurant made famous by his culinary hero, Auguste Gusteau.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Applying for more
I have decided that I would apply for more than just a position at thee salon across the street from my school. I have decided that I am going to apply at Starbucks, Caribou Coffee, Blockbuster, and Borders. I am hoping to get an offer of at least $10/hour. Well, I'll get back to the applications.
Monday, March 26, 2007
New Feature in Blogger
Ok, you guys can't really apreciate this, but I can. I can now post from the Google Docs and Spreadsheets. How cool is that? OK, it's a little lame, but I love new ways to get these posts on Blogger. So far, I can put them in through the "dashboard" on my computer, the old-school web-based posting, emailing them in to a secret email address, and putting in into Google Docs and Spreadsheets. It will be interesting to see what is next.
Still No News
I still haven't gotten a call from the salon telling me whether or not I got the job. Wish me good luck. I have to keep telling myself that no news is good news. :)
Friday, March 23, 2007
OK Problem
I was just talking to the owner of the salon that I would like to work for. The owners are friends of the family. Anyway, I learned that apparently, I am not the only applicant for the job. He says that there are ten count-em' TEN other applicants ahead of me. He said that he'll contact me when hee makes his decision. I doubt that he'll choose me however, I hope that he does because I would really like to work there. Wish me luck! I'll tell you all how it goes.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
You guys are the first to know: I just applied for a job. I applied for a job as a bookkeeper at a salon across the street from my school. I know the owner personally, so I think that I'll get the job. That, and the fact that I'm pretty well qualified for the job. It's been a long day, but I was very excited when I got home. I came straight to the computer typed the 250th post and then this post #251. G2g l8r.
Hey everybody. This is officially my 250th post here on Blogger and I'm really excited. To celebrate, I'm going to type "post" 250 times to signify each post. :)
post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post
post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post
Monday, March 19, 2007
Yahoo! Answers
I think that I have recently become addicted to the Yahoo! Answers thing. It's really interesting. You can ask as question and within minutes people will answer. Not all answers are useful, but they are all interesting. People ask for homework help, and just general advice questions. You should check it out.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Hi everybody
I'm really sorry that I have not really had the chance to write, especially after I promised you all some new posts. It seems like the time is just going by so fast. I need to get into the habit of writing every single day. I have been updating my podcast, so check it out. You can get it by searching for Bill's Online Journal on iTunes or by clicking here. I really hope that you enjoy it. My voice sounds really feminine on it though. I'm going to guess that my junky microphone is the culprit. Listen to it, and write some comments about it here.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Hey everyone. I just wanted to apologize for not writing, however today I have time to write, write, write! Keep reading!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Some interesting quotes from dorothy parker
Money is only congealed snow.
I've never been a millionaire but I just know I'd be darling at it.
Take care of the luxuries and the necessities will take care of themselves.
The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.
I've never been a millionaire but I just know I'd be darling at it.
Take care of the luxuries and the necessities will take care of themselves.
The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.
There will be more random and funny quotes to come!
Funny Quote
A friend told me about this quote, and I immeadiately said: "I just have to put this on my blog!"
"The next time someone asks you, 'Hey, howdya get to be a homosexual anyway?' tell them, 'Homosexuals are chosen first on talent, then interview, then the swimsuit and evening gown competition pretty much gets rid of the rest of them." - Karen Williams
I love the evening gown competition!
;) It's so funny!
"The next time someone asks you, 'Hey, howdya get to be a homosexual anyway?' tell them, 'Homosexuals are chosen first on talent, then interview, then the swimsuit and evening gown competition pretty much gets rid of the rest of them." - Karen Williams
I love the evening gown competition!
;) It's so funny!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Right now, I am working on the site's features. I want to make in into a page where you can get useful tools like a stock indicator, a dictionary search, a web search, look at historic moments that happened on this day in a certain year, and a horoscope.
Schedule Change
I recently had a huge conflict with my schedule. I had a teacher who I really didn't like, so I wanted to switch out of that class. The class was Creative Writing. I love to write, however, I detest the teacher from the first day that I had her in Photo 1(which I dropped). I have just been switched to Film Literature(Lit). Film Lit looks somewhat challenging, however, I do enjoy watching films, so I predict that I will enjoy the class. We have to write a lot of essays. This weekend I have one essay that I have to do by Monday, and 8 others that I have to do by the end of the first quarter. That's all I know about at this time, so I hope to do at least 2 essays this weekend. Essay has to be at least one page, but preferably between one and two pages.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Hello everybody. It just occured to me that I have not written very much these past few weeks. I have been so busy getting ready for finals. I am happy to say that I got a C on my Geography and World Affairs final. You may be wondering why I am proud to announce that, but I am because I have been struggling in that class, and a C really helps my grade. Today was the first day of the new semester. I have three business classes lumped together for fourth, fifth, and sixth hour, so you can just imagine how excited I am to be taking those classes. Well, I have got to go. :) READ THE ARCHIVES. I'll try to put a stock tracker on the site. :)
Friday, January 05, 2007
Problem fixed
I just checked by blog, and I found out that I had the last post up there twice. Technical problems or something. I fixed it though. Keep reading! Read the archives!!!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
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