This is an online journal about me and my life. It is completely nonfiction and will be updated whenever possible. Enjoy this site!
Saturday, December 10, 2005
DECA Regionals
I have just come home from DECA. It is an association of marketing students, and I am very excited about it. I hope that I enjoy the state level, because I passed the local level. It is very fun.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Recently I have been very busy trying to get my notes from all of my subjects typed up. I have large handwriting, so I like to condense my notes into typewritten notes. Anyway, I get the most notes in Science. I have exactly 25 typed pages of notes. 26 if you include the cover page to the notes section of my binder. In civics, I have 21 typed pages of notes. Those are the only subjects that I type, because they are the only subjects that I get big-time notes in.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
My Time
The vast majority of the time that I have spent on my blog this weekend has been on the Bravenet features, so I have not had enough time to write more posts. I have greatly improved the eCard features. I am working on the FAQ, and the Horoscopes. I have spent some time updating on the site.
Marketing UP-TO-DATE
This is my marketing UP-TO-DATE post. I have been working very hard im my Marketing class. We are finishing up this semester, so I'm sorry to say that I won't be taking Marketing 2. I wanted to, but it was completely filled up. Marketing with Mr. Cayo has been extremely fun and entertaining. I just love the class. Recently, we have been preparing for the DECA competition, but that's another post. We have also been doing a group project that I have been working on yesterday with my group over at my partner's house. That should be a great project!
Information Processing UP-TO-DATE
In Information Processing we have been doing a lot of useless typing. I don't think that it is ever going to be or use to me in the real world. I at least hope that I don't have to use it in the real world! I bet that I will have to use it, because I hope to be an entrepreneur when I grow up. I don't think that all of the rules that we have to follow will be accurate by the time that I start a business. Anyway, I definitely am not liking this class. It's good that I'm only taking it for one semester.
In Marketing, we have been preparing for a DECA competition. That should be very exciting. It's a business competition where Marketing students complete a multiple choice test, then they do a role-play test with a judge. If you do well on this test, you can pass the district competitions, then you can go to the state competitions. After that, you can make it to the International Competition, where the prizes are tens of thousands of dollars, scholarships to different Ivy League colleges. I doubt that I can get that far, but it would be extremely exciting! In the International competition, the people come from all of the states.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
I have a lot of new features, but with these some problems. I have been getting a message that says that there were errors in posting all of my posts. I think that this is because I have so many new features. I am excited about the new features, but I want all of my posts online. I have also had an increase in visitors. I am excited about that as well. later. view the archives! well the ones that are published :-)
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Marketing UP-TO-DATE
We are doing lots of fun things in Marketing with Mr. Cayo. When I first came to freshman orientation, I learned that the juniors and the seniors seemed to like business classes. I truly wasn't sure what to expect, but I was impressed with Marketing. I have learned a lot of fun new material, and I am going on a trip with DECA which is a business challenge. You first go to districts, then states, then the international competition. I hope that I will get to the international, but I don't think that I wil be able to. The international competition is in Dallas, Texas this year.
Nothing new is really going on in Civics, so I'll just give you some things that we do in there. I know that Mr. Provenzano does not like our class, but I think that he might not like me in particular. I'm not sure why though, because I try my hardest. He tries really hard to prove my point wrong, but he doesn't do that to the other kids. I can't really figure this out though. Read the archives and make comments!
Science UP-TO-DATE
We are doing a lot of unusual things in Science this week. Instead of normal classes, we are moved to the Auditorium and we are bunched with the other classes. We are watching this video on the rainforest, and I am not very interested, but I still do the worksheet. I'm not sur where the normal teachers are, because we are all with subs. I know that this has something to do with the new S-Building, because all of the classes that are there, would normally be in the new part of the building. I am curious to see when we will move into the new building.
We have not been doing much new stuff in Math this year. It may be new to the other students though, because I have taken Algebra One already. I did not, however, do well. I hope that you read the other UP-TO-DATE posts for more information on my other subjects. READ THE ARCHIVES AND MAKE COMMENTS
This post was called PE UP-TO-DATE because I will talk about PE. (I wanted to explain this because I know that the name is quite odd. Anyway, I have some news. We are doing a swimming unit in PE, and I am not too excited about it because we are going to have to swim in a pool that looks very unsanitary. I'm not trying to complain or tattlew-tale, or anything, but the pool has these wierd blobs of liquid that is defiately not water, sitting at the bottom of the pool. I didn't swim today, because I had forgotten my swim suit, but the people that did swim said that the pool was very gross. One girl said that there were hairs and phlem in the pool. I find that simple revolting, but I'll do my best to keep a positive attitude towards this unit.
Our PE teacher, Mr. Pillars, doesn't seem to care about this though. I don't think that I should
be too worried about this, though.
Post comments!
Our PE teacher, Mr. Pillars, doesn't seem to care about this though. I don't think that I should
be too worried about this, though.
Post comments!
Sunday, November 20, 2005
The ads on this site are not currently active, so I cannot generate any revenue from them at this time. I am trying them out, but I do hope that they will get activated very soon.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Low Readership on Feedburner
I have recently noticed that I have very low readership on my feedburner rss feed. I would like to let everyone know that you can get my feed if you have a Windows PC. All you have to do is download Mozilla Firefox from Mozilla. Hope that you all visit there.
My new Podcast
Well, I have put 29 of my archived posts on my podcast. You can view it here. If you have any comments on this podcast, you can email me here. Enjoy!
Friday, November 11, 2005
LATER:I am currently working with Odeo to get my podcast updated. I might need to extend the release date from this weekend to next weekend, because I have over one hundred posts on the website. That's a lot!!! I want to get the Odeo Syncer, but right now I am using the basic online tools to get the recording done. I'll have to check and see if the Odeo Syncer works for the Macintosh.
My New Podcast
Hey all. Me again. I have sucessfully set up a new Podcast!!! I call it: Bill's Online Journal(Podcast Edition). I plan to begin recording immeadiately. I will first start off by reading the first post. That will be one file on the podcast. Then I will read the second post. Then the third, and so on and so forth. I hope to have a lot of my posts on the podcast this weekend, but don't hold me to it. This will be a big step for Bill's Online Journal. Now, I will have pictures, sound files(NEW), normal text, and two RSS feeds!! Now there will be four ways that you can get to Bill's Online Journal. You can view one of two RSS feeds(the feedburner feed required the atom feed, so to get the good one, I needed to get two), I will have a Podcast, and of course, I have my website. More later...
This week
This has been a very long week, even though I have had Tuesday off. I have read two books within this week. I've had four tests and quizes. I've just been really busy. Hopefully the work load will boil down later. But this week I have just been busy, busy, busy! I am making some time this weekend, so hopefully I will be able to read at least half of my archived posts. I also have stuff to do with the laptop that doesn't involve this blog. I have to re-download all of my programs and applications that I had on my old Mac, which is going to take some time. I am hoping to print out all of my posts, and begin to read the text as an audio recording, but as of now, I don't have any plans to start creating things on the audio blog, because I want to type the posts first. Later.
My Hit Count
The last time that I checked my hit count, I was at eight, but I am hoping that maybe the numbers may go up in the near future. As I have stated in previous posts, I have mixed opinions on this subject. On one hand, I could benefit from big numbers, but on the other hand, I would get pressure to spend a lot more time on the blog, which could cut into my extra free time. I am writing this post into my new place to officially write my posts offline. I call it: Bill's Blogger Book. It allows me to write posts anywhere, not just in front of the computer. In the recent days, the hit count for my site has increased substantially! I plan to get a lot more posts done, with my new Blogger book. Hopefully, my new laptop will aid in the typing of my future posts on this blog. I know that the term "Blog" means "web log", but let's just say thta I'm straining the definition. Later!
My New Life Update
For the last few years, I have been working on a book entitled "My New Life". Once in a blue moon I will write a post on the progress of my novel, and this time, is no exception. I have some new news that I wanted to say here before telling people. Just as an incentive to visit the site. I plan to add some new characters to the MNL cast. More info at a later time. Bye for now.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
More hit count stuff
I have been talking about the hit count of this site. Here is a graph showing the hits so far this week. I got the counter on Tuesday, so that is why there isn't anything bfeore that. 
You'll notice the spike that is coming today. I expect that it will go down. I am not quite sure why there is a lot of people here today, but it is good news for me.

You'll notice the spike that is coming today. I expect that it will go down. I am not quite sure why there is a lot of people here today, but it is good news for me.
6 visitors
I am happy to announce that since yesterday, I have had 6 visitors!!!! I know that the numbers are extremely small, but I am excited, because the numbers are up from yesterday!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
My grades
My grades are coming on Monday, and they are looking good. I have spoken to all of my teachers about my grades, and they are impressed. I hope that this next quarter will bring more great results.
Years past and thoughts of moving
I can't believe that I have been on Blogger for over two years!!!! I was just looking through the archives! This is amazing!! I think that I have really grown up since then!! I was what? Twelve!!! OMG!!!!!! That is SO FUNNY. Notice that usually during the school year, I am unable to write. Not this year. I have been getting the best grades that I have ever gotten, AND I have lots of free time. Thank the lord(ignore that statement if you are not christian) I hope that everybody reads my archives!!! I have been fighting to keep them up. It is taking some mental strength because every time that I put up a new post, Blogger gets a little slower. And when I took off some posts that I moved to my multimedia blog, Blogger went a little faster. I have so many posts on my blog, that when I tried to republish my blog so that my hit counter appeared, the server at Blogger crashed. I was surprised, because the kind of servers that Blogger uses cost at least $20000! I have been thinking about moving this blog, and putting a new blog at this address. I was thinking about putting another Bill's Online Journal here, so that the blog could be very fast when I want to publish new posts, but I don't think that I want to give this address up, so don't email me asking why I want to move, because I really don't want to move. Don't worry, I won't let two years and two months at this address go just to get faster blogging. This blog is for your enjoyment, and my enjoyment. If you can't find the blog, where is your enjoyment??? I can't seem to find where it would be if you can't find my blog.
I think that low readership is OK, but higher numbers would not be a bad thing... until they get too high. I guess that low numbers are, in a sense, safer for a blogger, then higer numbers. Unless that blogger wants to be able to call himself a powerblogger. A PowerBlogger is someone who has an extremely popular blog. They often make hundreds of dollars from the advertising that gets placed on their sites. I have not seen one penny from this blog. That STINKS FROM A FINANCIAL STANDPOINT, but then again, I DON'T HAVE ANY ADS ON MY SITE!!! (Hint: this is the part where you laugh, and tell your friends about how great this site is! LOL! Well anywho... This is a really interesting subject to talk about. It is for me at least. If you are getting bored, feel free to hit Ctrl + D (Windows users) or Command(the Apple key) + D(Mac users) to bookmark this site, then leave. But remember to come back later, because there might just be some cool stuff that you like later on. Ok... well if anybody is still reading, I just wanted to get the people who weren't interested off my back. Not literally of course! BACK TO LOW READERSHIP: I don't have any ads on the site, but I think that if I put some ads on the site, I might not have as many readers, because they will not only see a boring site, but they will see a boring site WITH ADS. L O L!!!!!!!! That was good. Ithankyou. If I had all of these ads, I would not be able to see the content. I have been thinking about how I could use some of the funds generated by possible ads, to do advertising for the site. That would be cool. That would increase my ad money(hypothetically), and then I would invest back into the site, which would make even more money, and the cycle goes on and on.... THAT WOULD BE GREAT!!! But, eventually Blogger would tell me that my site was getting too expensive for them to host, and they would ask me to pay for my own hosting, which, with all of the hypothetical readers, would be next to impossible. I am getting ahead of myself here. That was a great dream that lasted a record-breaking thirty seconds! Later.

I am not surprised that there is very low readership! Since you are reading this, good job! Either my hit count is extremely bad, or there has been no visitors today. I actually find that amusing. It's silly. LOL! :) I think that some new readers would be benificial to the site, so I have put the site URL in my email signature. Anyway, I hope that you all enjoy this site, and tell your friends, even though all that I do is write about my life. It's kind of boring right? I will even admit that reading this must be boring. I laugh when I think about this. But I really like to use this blog as a journal readers, or no readers. Anyway, I have low readership. Part of me wants to get featured in the blogs of note on the blogger website, but another part of me wants to keep this blog secret. I was reading one blog that was on the featured list. Because it was featured, the person had so many visitors that he had to get another site to host his pictures, because Blogger wasn't powerful enough!!! I could barely believe that!!! That is a lot of hits!!!! Then he goes on the most popular list, and since people generally read the most popular blogs, he will have to keep paying for his image hosting!!! There is a definate downside to that kind of thing. Blogger itself is a free service. I have no idea how they make their money, because they have no ads anywhere, they don't sell anything except for some T-shirts with the Blogger logo on them. That could not be nearly enough to make a profit. I know that they are for profit, because they are owned by Google. Here is the Blogger logo.
Server Problems
There must be some server problems at Blogger, because my blog has been having difficulty publishing. It looks like the server at Blogger is down. There must be a lot of people who are trying to edit thier blogs right now.
library presentation
I am very excited to announce that I will be able to put some newer updates here. I want to mention that I have found a lot of cool stuff to add to the site. You should visit this site regularly, because I frequently update this web site. Right now, I am watching a presentation on some library junk. It's really boring. We are in the computer lab, but we really aren't learning anything.
Hey all
I just wanted to say that I have gotten my new computer. I got it yesterday! I am so excited about it. I have already set it up in my room. I have a monitor(even though it is a laptop), a mouse, and my three printers(two of which were free). This is going to be so much fun, and I will love being able to keep everybody updated.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Have you looked at the archives???? I would highly recommend that you look through the archives because I have really enjoyed making this site from day one. I have worked har for a very long time, and I would like to mention that I really enjoy going through the archives, just to see what I have said years ago, so I thought that you all might like to go through the archives to see what I have said in years past. I think that I am going to do a post on some of the features that I have worked hard to customize and develope to meet the needs of my readers.
My New Blogging Manual
I truly wish that I could be able to be called a PowerBlogger because a PowerBlogger is someone who is an expert on Blogging, and they have amazing blogs too. I have created a new Blogger Manual which outlines a lot of the stuff that I have learned over the course of having this blog. I just love Blogging. It is very theraputic. I really want this blog to be the best that it can be, so I have created a set of rules and suggestions for myself to follow. I have used some of the experience that I got in my ninth grade Information Processing class at South. I have outlined some cool features that you can put into a blog, some awsome ways to use a blog, some reasons why you should get a blog of your own, and if you do you should hold onto it really tightly. I really enjoy my blog, as you can tell by the ninety some posts that I have made since 2003. Actually the majority of the posts that I have made have been since I got my Macintosh. I am going to use my Blogging Manual from now on to try to make my posts better in any way that I can. I really love the whole idea of being able to get your work published, no matter how many readers you have. In the last few months I have become a big fan of Blogger, and I hope to use Blogger to the biggest advantage that I possibly can. I really enjoy writing these posts. "More to come!" "Happy Reading!" "Read the Archives!" have all been some of my closing remarks for the majority of my posts, so I think that I will end the post with all three of the remarks: More to come! Happy Reading! Read The Archives!
An update on the situation with my new computer
I am slightly upset about the fact that my new computer hasn't come! I figured out that FedEx shipped the package on Friday, but my mom wasn't there to sign for it, because she was in Chicago, so my new computer got sent back to the FedEx location. I want to mention that they WILL make two more attempts to deliver the package, as they should, but I am still upset at FedEx for not leaving it in the garage. UPS was willing to do that with my old computer. I-yai-yai-yai-yai. Anyway... I should get my computer on Monday!!! I am so excited about the new computer because it will be 42 percent faster than my old one, it will have a DVD/CD BURNER not just a CD player. I am very excited about this because I will be able to make DVDs outof the Home videos that we make from the Digital video Camera that my dad is planning to get (possibly at Christmas?). I will just love this new one. You don't want to know what happened to my old one, and I really don't want to tell you. Sorry. Anyway, the point is that I am getting a new one. Happy Reading! Read the Archives!
An update on the situation with my new computer
I am slightly upset about the fact that my new computer hasn't come! I figured out that FedEx shipped the package on Friday, but my mom wasn't there to sign for it, because she was in Chicago, so my new computer got sent back to the FedEx location. I want to mention that they WILL make two more attempts to deliver the package, as they should, but I am still upset at FedEx for not leaving it in the garage. UPS was willing to do that with my old computer. I-yai-yai-yai-yai. Anyway... I should get my computer on Monday!!! I am so excited about the new computer because it will be 42 percent faster than my old one, it will have a DVD/CD BURNER not just a CD player. I am very excited about this because I will be able to make DVDs outof the Home videos that we make from the Digital video Camera that my dad is planning to get (possibly at Christmas?). I will just love this new one. You don't want to know what happened to my old one, and I really don't want to tell you. Sorry. Anyway, the point is that I am getting a new one. Happy Reading! Read the Archives!
Make comments
I would like to encourage my readers to make comments if you are reading this. I would just like to hear from you all, and I think that the comments section is a great place to get feedback from readers. If you do have a comment, you can put it on the site by clicking on a comments link that is at the bottom of all most every post. I can disable comments, but I usually don't do that. I did that with my older posts, but with the new ones, I am not doing that, because I want to get create a comforatable, community feeling here at Bill's Online Journal.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Have you ever been to the website ? I have been checking it out for a while now, and have found a lot of cool recipes.
Friday, November 04, 2005
My New Computer
My new computer is coming today!!! I am so excited!!! I have things to do on it before I can play, though. I need to download the programs that I had on the old computer off of the Internet, so I plan on going to Panera. I also have work to do when it comes to setting up the computer. I am going to have to work on getting all of the settings that I had on the old one put on the new one. I probably have a weekend full of work that I have to get done on the computer, but it will take more then this weekend, because I must account for possible homework, and probable studing. I might be able to get a few updates to the site, or I might not, but one thing is for sure: I'M GOING TO BE VERY BUSY!!!
'watching with Mrs. Robinson'
This weekend, my parents are going to Chicago with some other members of the DYC. It will be fun for them, I'm sure, but for us... I'm not so sure. Every year, usually around the fall, we get 'watched' by a family friend by the name of Mrs. Robinson. This year, I really think that it is not necissary, because I am in high school. I think that I can take care of myself for a weekend. But that's not what my parents think, because they have sent Mrs. Robinson over to watch us. My new computer is going to be coming soon, so that will be the subject of my next post. Back to Mrs. Robinson... I have known Mrs., Mr., and Freddie Robinson for a very long time. Every year we get watched by Mrs. Robinson, and every year, we have to tag along with her, doing whatever she is doing. Every year I get promised that we will do something fun, and every year that doesn't happen. This year might be different though, because Mrs. Robinson said that we can just stay home this weekend. I am excited about this, so I like the idea. I do want to go to Panera, though because my new computer won't have all of the programs that I had on my old one. Actually, the Robinsons have a DSL line, so I could simply hook my computer up to the DSL there, and go online. That will be my back-up plan, in case we have to go to Mrs. Robinson's house.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
a new idea...
I think that I have an idea for a new novel. If you didn't know, I have written 224 pages of a book called My New Life. The name seems odd to everyone but me, because the novel is not written in first person(using I, me, etc.). The book is written in third person. ANYWAY... I wanted to put this post up, because I want to remember how this idea started: I was walking out of PE, and I thought about the book, the prince and the pauper. I thought that it would be cool to remake the book with some twists. The idea of two worlds colliding is truly classic. But I have an idea that would add a modern twist to this classic idea. The book would take place in 3000 AD. There would be a boy who is extremely wealthy and powerful. He has it all because his father invented the XL5000(X-treme Learner 5000) which eliminates the idea of school. Instead, all of the knowledge that the world contains is be copied into your brain in a matter of seconds. This boy's mother mysteriously died, but no one can figure out why. There is another boy. He is working class. His dad works for the rich kid's dad. At a comany picnic, the two boys meet and become friends. When Mike's dad has John's dad over for dinner, the two men recognize eachother, and leave. They scold their sons for talking with 'scum', so the kids decide to switch places. This is going to be a great book! I just have to make time for it. As usual, with big projects of any kind, I will work on this over the weekend. I think that it is a good idea, but I'm not sure that I have the time to make it a reality. It's lucky that i have had enough time to type this post.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
This post is solely for the purpose of testing my new "footer" which will go at the end of every one of my new posts.
I have recently decided to move of the desktops that I was offering up for download on this site. I have moved them to their own blog. If you would like to view the new blog click here. I think that this will make the site better because it will contain more writing.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
"Post Halloweeen" Post
Hey. I hope that everyone reading this blog had a safe and fun Halloween! I did. My sister brought me some candy, because she still goes trick-or-treating. That was good. I have ordered my new computer(I did that yesterday.), so I will again be able to constantly update this blog. Though, right now I can only update the blog during lunch hour(after I have eaten, of course). So that will be good. If you have any comments, you can always put them in the comments area. Blogger does make sure that they are appropriate, though I trust that no one will misuse the comments area. Anyway, back to Halloween... This year we didn't really decorate the house. Every year we have slowed down our Halloween celebration. I learned that Halloween is derived from All Hollow's Eve, though I don't know the meaning. If you do, feel free to comment on it. Did you konw that Halloween spending has passed Easter, and is now rivaling Christmas? I can barely believe it myself. Americans are spending some $12-20 billion on Halloween stuff. Wow! That is A LOT OF CA$H!!!
Monday, October 31, 2005
Happy Halloween!!
Well tonight is the night for Halloween! Are you going to go trick-or-treating?? I have stuff to do, so I will not be going this year. That and the fact that high-school work really don't go trick-or-treating. At least I'm normal in that respect. :-) Anyway have a fun, safe, and Happy Halloween! By the way, read the archives. They are lots of fun!
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Mac Desktops
Have you ever been to ? I really like their desktop images which are available as downloads for free. I have recently experienced some problems with the service. The site has been extremely slow. I'm not sure why, though. Well, I just wanted to say that you might like the images on the system.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
My RSS feed
Just in case you haven't visited my RSS(Really Simple Syndication, yes that's the official name) feed yet here is the URL:
or you can link to it here.
I can measure the amount of people that visit my RSS feed, but I can't measure how many people visit this blog. Enjoy the RSS feed.
or you can link to it here.
I can measure the amount of people that visit my RSS feed, but I can't measure how many people visit this blog. Enjoy the RSS feed.
I recently requested an application and more information on being a national correspondent for I think that I could be a positive addition to their award-winning newsletter put out by Rutgers (The State University of New Jersey). I think that it would not only be a positive experience, but I would be doing community service(by educating teens about health issues[which I have researched]). I also know that I can put it on my college appliction. I would highly suggest that you visit the site. It is very informative. Most of the writers are actually juniors and seniors in high school. If I could, I would try to get onto the Editorial Board, but I can't because I don't live within commuting distance of New Brunswick, New Jersey. They have a geological requirement because the Editorial Board meets monthly at the college to discuss the site. they website URL is I would highly recommend to any teen who has a question about sex, relationahips, or any other health question to go there.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Scholastic Update
I should not have talked about how I don't have a lot of work. Maybe I don't have a lot of homework, but I do have a lot of tests. It was almost like I cursed myself when I said that there was no work. I have two tests today, one in English, and one n Civics. With this kind of work, I probably won't be able to write anything, except for the weekends. I hope that I don't have this much work over the weekend. I want some free time. I really want to get enought free time to be able to make more posts, and think of ways to make this site even better. Of course, school is the number one priority, so if I can't update the site for scholastic reasons, please understand. Lunch is almost over, bye.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Driver's Ed
I am going to start driver's ed in a few weeks! I am so excited about driving! I can't wait to be able to drive myself to and from school. It will be so much fun! I'll keep you posted!
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Highschool Peer Pressure
If you are going into highschool next year, don't be intimidated. The highschool that you see in Hollywood is very different then the highschool that is in the real world. If you are going to a public highschool, chances are that you will see a few new people but not a lot. If you are going into a public highschool however, you will see a lot of new people. Hollywood really doesn't touch on the peer pressure though. I have not had a problem with peer pressure, although I know people who have. There is one kid who is in my English class, who does drugs. Luckily I did not go to middle school with him, although if he did go to Brownell, he probably would not smoke, because we have a great health teacher there. Another example of peer pressure getting to people would be the Homecoming incident. Someone actually got drunk and had to be taken away in an AMBULANCE!!!!! The girl also did not go to Brownell. I am very disappointed at this behavior, and I hope that it will come to an end soon.
Update on the workload of highschool
Obviously if you are reading a lot of new posts, then the workload must be low. I am so surprised at the workload. I am able to so lots of stuff with the time that it took me to do homework. When a good friend of the family told me that there would be an insane amount of work, I was a little intimidated by the thought. I think that I am lucky because so far I have not had more then thirty minutes of homework. I really enjoy highschool.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Happy Friday!!
I got those pictures from the Help section of the blogger site. It was relitively easy to get the pictures on the site. All I had to do s copy and paste. I think that the pictures are pretty funny. I'm sure that you can copy and paste them, but if you do, then you accept full responsibility and liability for the pictures. I don't think that they are copyrighted, but I'm not sure, so I would recommend that you use caution. Happy Reading!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Update on Feedburner RSS feed
Hey. I am happy to say that I have fixed the problem with the Feedburner RSS feed, and I think that I am going to be doing more posting, just to get the new posts on there, so that you readers don't have to see the 8 letters that were there earlier. I encourage you to visit my feed here. In case you can't hyperlink to the feed, here is the url to type into your browser. I would recommend that you first try to link to it, because it's a lot easier. FEEDBURNER FEED URL: Enjoy the feed. If you visit here please visit there, because I can check how many hits(a hit is when someone loads your website) I get there, and I cannot do that here at Blogger. I have put my website on Google and Yahoo! search engines, although nobody is going to search for "Bill's Online Journal". I thought that maybe someone might search for something different, and it bring my site up in the search resluts. Knowing the accuracy of the search engines, you could type up the word "online" and come up with my site. I'm sure it is somewhere in the 952 million search results that I got just now. LOL! :) Happy Reading!
Monday, October 03, 2005
Well, I think that I've given up on Podcasting. I just can't understand it. I feel like I'm getting old here. O used to be so good at the new trends and able to figure them out fast, but I can't seem to figure out Podcasting. They should write a book "Podcasting for Dummies". I would buy it. I just can't understand what all of these requirements are. For example: podcast hosting via server VS podcast hosting via application, and whatnot. I would highly suggest that you do not try Podcasting until there are some real standards for how to do things.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
The workload of High School
High school has a HUGE workload!!!! It has been so big that I have not really had time to write here, and update this blog. I am going to try to get more posts online on the weekends when I have excess free time. For now, I am posting some small posts that I am actually writing here. Usually, I type the posts on my computer and then put them online at a later date, but now I am composing them right now. My workload is really testing my self-motivation, but my motivation seems to be winning right now. Have a great day, and Happy Reading
Marketing Essay
There is this very important marketing essay that we had to do on Wednesday. I have not had time to update this blog, because I am doing so much school work, so all my free time is now on the weekends. I have not missed one assignment though, so it has all payed off. This year, I have vowed to selfmotivate, and I think that it has really shown. I love high school, and will try to update this blog whenever possible. Happy Reading!
Well, I have some news about my RSS feed. It turns out that by the time my feed gets updated to feedburner, there is only one word in each post! That is because it shortens the already shortened RSS feed. I am going to work to fix this problem, and will be ready sometime soon.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Sweet Briar Alumni Meeting
This weekend is unusual weekend because this is the weekend that my mom goes away to her college's alumni meeting. It's the same every year, but this year we aren't staying with a family friend for a weekend, like normal, we are staying with my dad. Usually my dad goes with my mom when my mom goes her annual college alumni meeting. So now, our family friend is going to stay with us for a weekend in October while my parents are away in Chicago.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Well, I have decided on some successful porjects that were tested out in Bill's Multimedia Blog. The ideas that were successful, will be added into this blog. Some of the new things are, user polls, and posts(like this one) read aloud in English, and sent as audio (mp3) files for download on the internet, or on a Podcast.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Making a cooler blog
I have recently been looking at ways to make this blog more fun for readers. I have found a lot of ways. They are not all easy, but I have made efforts to get some of the cool services that I found on my blog. I want the three of you out here reading this blog that I really like this blog, and I have put a good amount of time into this. I really love hearing from readers ( I also have an RSS feed which makes it easier for you as the reader to view my site. RSS (really simple syndication) allows the reader to read new articles even when they are offline. As soon as you go online, your RSS program automatically downloads the latest articles from any website that has RSS. Note: to get it to download, you have to bookmark the rss feed. Just like you do any other bookmark. As you might imagine, it was an instant hit with news readers, and news papers. I read the New York Times aritcles for tommorrow's newspaper at six o'clock. Anyway... I have also experimented with reader polls. I have put some polls on my multimedia blog. The readers can vote, and view the results of the votes. It is pretty cool. Also, I have found a new and cool way to get the new articles to my readers if they don't like RSS. I have setup a way that you can subscribe to my blog, and everytime that I write a new post, you get the new post emailed to you. Cool, huh? I think so. I have really gone out of my way to find and deliver these services for my readers. I hope that you all take advantage of these different services that I have gone out of my way to bring out to you. That's all for now, folks. Happy Reading, and good night.
Monday, September 12, 2005
I have just setup a new email address for my readers to contact me at. If you like this blog and want to contact me with fresh ideas, suggestions, comments, etc. you can now do that! The blog address is Happy Reading!
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Seven Minutes
Seven minutes seems like a lot of time but you wouldn't belive how little it actually is!I can barely make it from class to class in time! The school is gigantic! I have never seen a school as big as this school is! Wow, I didn't have any idea how big the campus was until I stepped foot in it the first day. Usually I take a tour of the school before the start of the year, just so I know how to get from class to class. I got lost the first day.
The First Weekend of High School
Well this is officially the first weekend of school. I have been very busy. I have had a lot more homework, and that is a downside. As soon as I finish writing this post, I am going to go downstairs and do it. I forgot how much I enjoy the weekends. They were all the same in the summer, because I didn't have school any of the days, but now that has changed. That's it for now. Happy reading.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
My new blog
I have a new blog! It's called Bill's Multimedia Blog, and you can link to it here. I have been working on this new blog for a while this weekend. I am trying out Blogger's newest technologies on the new blog before adding them to this blog. That doesn't mean that I am not going to continue to update this blog. The new blog will strictly be multimedia. I hope that it turns out well. If you like this blog, take a peek at my new blog. Happy Reading!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Five Mile Creek
Five Mile Creek is a cool little creek. It changes every year. This year has been an interesting year for the creek. It is more separated than ever before. 20... no 40% of the creek is separated from the main stream. The creek was where my dad played when he was a kid. He has said that the creek has not changed a lot since he was a kid. It must have been a great experience, growing up in Harbor. Well, g2g. Later.
More Info On My Vacation
Well I'm using my grandmother's old typewriter to type this original copy. It is almost out of ink so I want to keep this short and sweet. I love my grandmother's house. My dad grew up here in the summer. I am really, really excited about this vacation. It has been really, really fun so far. I'm going to put some pictures of Harbor Springs(the town) on this blog. Harbor Springs is a fun little town. *They have a new Internet Cafe which is how I am publishing this post.
Heading Upnorth
As I type this post, me and my family are driving up to Harbor SSprings for our annual vacation up north. My sister is sitting right next to me listening to her iPod Mini. My dad is driving, and my mom is resting. I have been keeping a watchful eye on my laptop's battery. I love the Mac, partially because of the battery life. Apple claims that my battery will last 4 hours at most, so I was questioning the battery gauge as I left the house. It said nine hours. Here I am six hours later. I have already outlasted Apple's maximum rating in their tests, but I still have 50 percent of my battery left. I am totally baffled about this. When I first opened up my laptop the battery gauge said I would have 288 hours. Even after this success, I know that 288 hours is not even possible. It only showed 288 for about half of a second before changing to 6 hours. I have also been powering my sister's iPod which has also been going on continously. We are probably 1/3 of the way there which means that it will be about 3 or four hours until we get there. I am really excited to go on this vacation. I love Harbor Springs, Michigan. We usually stay at my grandmother's house, but this year we won't. It will be great to get up there. The Harbor Springs marina has WiFi(WiFi is wireless internet), so I can keep posting my thoughts while on vacation.
Other Blogs
I have recently surfed through some other blogs on blogger, and I am surprised at what I have found. I feel like I've traveled the world after reading blogs from literally all over the world. I read a blog that a boy in Africa made, and I learned that in Africa, people make their own paint. How? I learned that they scraped off dirt from termite nests, ground it up, and finally added water to the powder to make paint. I never knew that. Un fortunately I also found a lot of blogs that were probably made by robots. They were nothing but ads. I wish that those people just wouldn't do it on blogger, so I reported them all to Blogger. Hopefully, the ad websites will be taken off Blogger. To put unauthorized web ads on Blogger is actually a violation of the Terms and Conditions. Oh! Another blog that I ssaw was a website that was for some town in Louisiana. It was giving lots of information to residents about the hurricane, Hurricane Katrina. It wasn't really useful to me, because it was so local. It was still interesting to see towns having a blog.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Have you ever had one of those days where everything just goes wrong. I had that today. Despite the blank, emotionless expression on my face, there are lots of thoughts swirling around in my mind. Some are good, but most are bad. I guess that I am just having one of those days. But it feels more strong then the generic down-in-the-dumps feeling. I... don't know. I'm sure that I'll feel better later. Since this is a journal, I thought that I would mention my feelings, even though this journal is accessible to anyone who has a computer. written: friday august 26, 2005 at 7:38 p.m.
My mom works at LocalMotion. For the people who don't know what LocalMotion is, I'll gladly tell you all. LocalMotion was founded in August of 1999, and their mission is to Inform the public about the dangers of environmental toxins. LocalMotion has helped to pass a law in Michigan that now makes it illegal to put chemicals on school lawns without first sending a mailing to all of the parents of the students at that school. LocalMotion is low on funding so please donate to them. This is not an ad. I just want to help LocalMotion as much as I can, so please if you have some extra dough, donate. You can visit LocalMotion's website to donate at
Less Then Perfect
"Less Then Perfect" is a great show which appears on TGIF. It is office humor which is great. It is almost like a TV Dilbert. Some of the characters are Geb, Lydia, Will, and Claude. It comes on at 9:30 every Friday on ABC (Channel 7). Happy reading!
Woodward Dream Cruise
The Woodward Dream Cruise has some to Detroit. By the time that this is published, it will probably be after the Woodward Dream Cruise has ended. The Dream Cruise is a big event for Detroit, because cars come from all across America to cruise down Woodward Avenue. In Detroit Woodward Avenue is the dividing line between the East side of Detroit and the West side of Detroit. Both sides are great. Anyway back to Woodward. Classic cars are the cars that are in the Dream Cruise. NOTES AFTER THE CRUISE: We had a lot of news coverage this year. Channel 7 (ABC) called themselves the offical Dream Cruise Station. They had constant coverage of the Dream Cruise which was fun to watch. The news helicopter showed traffic back to back like it is in cities like New York. In Detroit, we don't have as bad of traffic as some other cities. We're lucky that way. :) TTFN Ta Ta For Now!
Tech Prices
It boggles my mind how expensive technology is! Recently I went to Circuit City and spent $10 on a game that wasn't even new! I thought that that was a bargain. Some computers cost thousands of dollars and most servers cost at least $10,000! I just thought that I would write this post because I had nothing else to talk about.
Have you ever heard of TGIF? If you haven't, keep reading. If you have, skip to the archives of this blog. (You haven't gone to the archives yet! :] ) Ok. They are gone. Now then on to TGIF. TGIF is a special on ABC (Channel 7). It appears every Friday night at 8 o'clock, and goes until 10 o'clock. (Two hours) The first show that appears is "8 Simple Rules" and that goes until 8:30. The next show that comes on is called "Hope and Faith" which is followed by another episode, so it's on for 1 hour. The last show is called "Less Then Perfect" which is really office humor. That is the TGIF lineup. You should really tune in this Friday. You won't be sorry :)
Monday, August 15, 2005
Saturday, July 30, 2005
RSS Feeds
I have recently added an RSS feed to my blog. If you don't have a clue what "RSS" stands for, don't be ashamed. It's very new. Even I don't know what it means. I do know what it does though. If you have a Windows PC then you can download Net News Wire Lite for free just do a Yahoo search for Net News Wire, which will takes you to the website. If you have a Mac(like me) you can also download Net News Wire Light, or if your Mac was purchased after April 2005, or has Mac OS X Tiger installed you can go into the Safari browser, and type in my website's URL. On Safari it will say RSS and you can then get an RSS Feed of my blog. RSS feeds are a very fast growing trend because they can update things as soon as they come out, so you can read the headlines of any newspaper, or many blogs (like mine) even when you are offline. Newspapers put their articles out on the RSS feeds the minute that they are edited. For example, I read tomorrows headlines of New York Times articles at 3:09 this afternoon. As with the newspapers, this website gets the posts converted to RSS headlines as soon as I click the publish button on the bottom of this webpage.
Description of Picture
That last post was a picture of the Christ Church Grosse Pointe choir that was taken a few years ago when I was in it. I thought that I would add that as a picture blog.
Friday, July 29, 2005
DYC Update
Literally 15 minutes aago I was kicked out of the gym here at the DYC. I found this rude, insulting, and downright stupid! That is why I decided to write this post. I wish this would not have happened, right when my favorite show is on. There is no other way to see this show. It only comes on 1 time every week. If you are the person who kicked me out and you're reading this stop reading it. You don't deserve to read my website. The story is now online, and I know that I will get messages from fans that agree with me(hint hint!) Ignore the message if you are not that person. I'm sorry that you had to read this pitiful message. Bill Hangens, shame on you.
Friday, July 01, 2005
GPYC Regatta
I (as you might know from prevoius posts, sail 420's (for practrice) and FJ's to race. Today I raced FJ's. Today concluded the first two day regatta of the eight week season. I really enjoyed sailing today. I am really overjoyed to report that I got 2nd place out of all of the FJ boats. :)
I am in the Binnacle (the arcade room) the dyc, and there are a bunch of little kids talking about quarters. One kid convinced another kids to trade 2 quraters (50 cents) for his 1 quarter(25 cents). That kid is smart. He gained 50 cents from that deal!
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
List of Cool Games Websites
Type these URL's into your browser's address box:
Those are just a few! Enjoy, have fun, and play safe!
Those are just a few! Enjoy, have fun, and play safe!
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
About My Sister
Lizzie, my sister wrote the message right before me. I really love my sister. She hass a heart of gold. I really think that she will make a great business woman just like my mom. She is amazing. I just wanted to wirte a little about my sister because she wanted to write the last message! Shoutout: LIZZIE
lizzie(my sister)'s message
im lizzie and my brother is the koolest porson in the hol wrrld. im rightin on theis cuz if u have read the blogs then u will understand that there r no people around 2 hang out with. if u r reading this then should go and convince u gardian 2 goine the D.Y.C. it a reelly kool place wen there r poeple around. i need 2 get ready 4 sailing niw but t.g.i.f(even though its tusday) ta-ta for now and see ya ltr! i luv u all
im lizzie and my brother is the koolest porson in the hol wrrld. im rightin on theis cuz if u have read the blogs then u will understand that there r no people around 2 hang out with. if u r reading this then should go and convince u gardian 2 goine the D.Y.C. it a reelly kool place wen there r poeple around. i need 2 get ready 4 sailing niw but t.g.i.f(even though its tusday) ta-ta for now and see ya ltr! i luv u all
Swimming 2005
Hey All,
I thought that I would tell the readers about our swimming program here at the DYC!!! I know that you all want to know right??? Well, I'll tell you anyway! The DYC has a great swimming program that currently ranks 2nd place in the upper division of the southern Michigan area. The DYC Islanders are an excellent swim team. My sister is on it, and I would be on it too... if I could swim well. I am not the strongest lap swimmer. I really swim as recreation but we're getting off-topic. Anywho, the DYC team is a good team. Being on the team teaches you teamwork and appreciation for other peoples' hard work as well as your own. I am very proud that we have such a strong team! Keep it up everybody!!! :-)
I thought that I would tell the readers about our swimming program here at the DYC!!! I know that you all want to know right??? Well, I'll tell you anyway! The DYC has a great swimming program that currently ranks 2nd place in the upper division of the southern Michigan area. The DYC Islanders are an excellent swim team. My sister is on it, and I would be on it too... if I could swim well. I am not the strongest lap swimmer. I really swim as recreation but we're getting off-topic. Anywho, the DYC team is a good team. Being on the team teaches you teamwork and appreciation for other peoples' hard work as well as your own. I am very proud that we have such a strong team! Keep it up everybody!!! :-)
Tennis 2005
Hey All,
The tennis program is very improtant to me, so I thought that I would tell you the story about how it started(or restarted) here at the DYC! A few years ago a friend of the family Mrs. Patterson (her son Jeff is a very close friend of mine) wanted to put her son in a tennis program here at the DYC, but she soon figured out that there wasn't a tennis program at the DYC. Instead of switching to another club that does offer tennis, she decided to petition to start a program here at the DYC. She was given a small budget at first, because many didn't have faith that it would ever take off, but in her first year she had a whopping 30 kids sign up!!! She was so overloaded that she had the DYC raise the budget so that she could hire more instructors! The DYC tennis program is very strong because of Mrs. Patterson!! Thank You Mrs. Patterson!!!!!!!! :-)
The tennis program is very improtant to me, so I thought that I would tell you the story about how it started(or restarted) here at the DYC! A few years ago a friend of the family Mrs. Patterson (her son Jeff is a very close friend of mine) wanted to put her son in a tennis program here at the DYC, but she soon figured out that there wasn't a tennis program at the DYC. Instead of switching to another club that does offer tennis, she decided to petition to start a program here at the DYC. She was given a small budget at first, because many didn't have faith that it would ever take off, but in her first year she had a whopping 30 kids sign up!!! She was so overloaded that she had the DYC raise the budget so that she could hire more instructors! The DYC tennis program is very strong because of Mrs. Patterson!! Thank You Mrs. Patterson!!!!!!!! :-)
Sailing 2005
Hey All,
I love the DYC Jr. Sailing program!! I just thought that I would give a shoutout to everyone that is in the program in the afternoon. I also wanted to congradulate the coaches. They have been great!!! I am going to my second day at sailing at noon today, so I want to make this pretty brief! I love that you all are reading this blog(don't bother denyingit LOL!)! g2g! (OMG! i forgoot to tell you what g2g means! g2g=got to go, LOL=laugh out loud, OMG= Oh My God) TTFN!!(Ta, Ta For Now)
I love the DYC Jr. Sailing program!! I just thought that I would give a shoutout to everyone that is in the program in the afternoon. I also wanted to congradulate the coaches. They have been great!!! I am going to my second day at sailing at noon today, so I want to make this pretty brief! I love that you all are reading this blog(don't bother denyingit LOL!)! g2g! (OMG! i forgoot to tell you what g2g means! g2g=got to go, LOL=laugh out loud, OMG= Oh My God) TTFN!!(Ta, Ta For Now)
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Apple Laptop Update
Hey All,
I just finished writing an update on Brownell Middle School, and I thought that I needed to tell you all about the laptop that I had talked about a while ago. I have purchased it! I am so happy with it! It is an Apple iBook G4, and I am working on it right now. It is a great laptop!!! I have put a link in so that you all can go to the website that I bought it from and check it out. I really like it!!! :-) Have a great day!
I just finished writing an update on Brownell Middle School, and I thought that I needed to tell you all about the laptop that I had talked about a while ago. I have purchased it! I am so happy with it! It is an Apple iBook G4, and I am working on it right now. It is a great laptop!!! I have put a link in so that you all can go to the website that I bought it from and check it out. I really like it!!! :-) Have a great day!
Brownell update
Hey all,
I have been so busy that I truly have not been able to write!!! I have had such a great time at Brownell!!! The school year has just recently ended, so hopefully I will be able to write more now.
I have been so busy that I truly have not been able to write!!! I have had such a great time at Brownell!!! The school year has just recently ended, so hopefully I will be able to write more now.
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