Thursday, March 06, 2008

I would like to take a few minutes to talk about bullying. It occurs everywhere; in schools, in public places like parks, at work and more. I have been one of many victims of bullying. A very small amount of bullying is something that I consider to be normal. I don’t mind a little. It just shows that the bullies are insecure about one or more flaws in their character. It doesn’t bother me if bullying happens only a little bit because I can just brush it off. The problem is that recently it has happened in larger amounts. The worst part: The teacher did absolutely nothing about it. If it does continue, I will be forced to take action. I am still writing my speech to the school board. I might just incorporate bullying into it. The administration would be another place to turn if the school board does nothing. That is HIGHLY unlikely though. The board would most definitely take action against bullying.

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