Monday, March 16, 2009

Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard Gossip

I thought that I would share some rumors about the next Mac OS.  The official statement about Snow Leopard that Apple gave the public states that Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard will arrive in the first half of 2009.  In a presentation to suppliers, an executive at Apple said that 10.6 should ship sometime in the first quarter.  Another rumor that people are floating around is the complete lack of support for all PowerPC systems.  Because I have an iBook G4 that runs an IBM PowerPC architecture, I wouldn't be able to upgrade to 10.6  It is commonly known that Apple will not be adding any new features to mac OS 10.6  Instead, all of the changes will be to core components.  It will be purely optimization.  I hope that it runs just as well, if not better than Mac OS 10.5, which at this time is the  most recent OS that Apple has released for their Macintosh line.

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