Sunday, September 04, 2005

Other Blogs

I have recently surfed through some other blogs on blogger, and I am surprised at what I have found. I feel like I've traveled the world after reading blogs from literally all over the world. I read a blog that a boy in Africa made, and I learned that in Africa, people make their own paint. How? I learned that they scraped off dirt from termite nests, ground it up, and finally added water to the powder to make paint. I never knew that. Un fortunately I also found a lot of blogs that were probably made by robots. They were nothing but ads. I wish that those people just wouldn't do it on blogger, so I reported them all to Blogger. Hopefully, the ad websites will be taken off Blogger. To put unauthorized web ads on Blogger is actually a violation of the Terms and Conditions. Oh! Another blog that I ssaw was a website that was for some town in Louisiana. It was giving lots of information to residents about the hurricane, Hurricane Katrina. It wasn't really useful to me, because it was so local. It was still interesting to see towns having a blog.

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