Tuesday, June 01, 2004

The Boat

Hi. Guess what? I will be moving down to the boat in a few weeks because that is where I go in the summer. The summer is fun down at the boat. I really love it there. When I am really enjoying it, I will write about the experience, just like the writing that you are reading right now! I know that the boat is a very good place to unwind and to relax. I have a whole new bunch of friends that I have made at the boat. They all are very good people, and have very good ideas about things. I peticularly like two people: Jeff P. and Brian L. These people are my very best friends at the boat because they are both nice and share common interests with me. We all like sailing, tennis and hanging out. We also like to play games like chess and bacgammon. I like the boat and the friends that have been made down there.

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