Thursday, October 30, 2008

Haven't Posted in a while, so this'll be long

I'm sorry guys.  I've been extremely busy with everything.  I've been working like a dog at the Grosse Pointe News, and wouldn't ya know it, my first article was scrapped. Oh well.  Anyway, I wanted to tell you all that I'm pretty excited to hopefully get back to writing on this darn thing pretty soon.  I'm loving most of my classes, although the grades that I'm getting aren't what I hoped they would be.  I'm a little nervous about the end of first quarter.  It's tomorrow.  I will try to write this weekend, because I don't think that I have a lot going on.  My parents had a party last weekend, so I was totally unable to write then.  Thuis week has just flown by, and I apologize for now writing.  I'm perticularly worried about my co-op grade.  It was a 100%, but it just dropped.  I honestly have no idea why.  I turned in all of my time sheets on time, and I turned in the written evaluation.  OK it was one day late, but that still doesn't explain my HUGE grade drop.  I'm nervous about applying to colleges.  I heard some people talking about getting their acceptence letters back from colleges.  I'm not proud to say that I haven't even applied anywhere yet.  AAAAH.  I hope to start this weekend.  So halloween is tomorrow, and that'll be interesting.  I'll have to watch the house tonight.  I have a feeling that someone will try to egg it or something.  It's Devil's Night tonight.  On another note, have you been following the crazy financial crisis.  This is definately going to go down into the history books right next to the Great Depression.  It's a little odd that this would happen right next to election time, but what are you going to do, right?  God, I hope Barack doesn't win.  I don't like McCain, but I absolutely hate Barack.  I wish that he'd just go back to Kenya, and leave us Americans alone.So for people who have written college essays, I want to ask you all something: How long did each essay take you?  I'm not sure if the colleges that I plan to apply to require essays for admission, but I'm curious about how much time people are spending.  Feel free to leave a comment about how much time you have spent.  I'd be interested to know.  This so far has just been one long ramble.  I don't really think that I'm going to even bother putting this into paragraphs, because it works better as a free thought sort of thing.  I'm really liking these long posts.  I'd better get back to work though.  I have calendar stuff that I have to do, and then I have to go to bed.  I'll talk more tomorrow.

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