Sunday, April 27, 2008


Hey guys. I just have to talk about the movie that I just saw. It's called Juno. If you've been living in a cave for the last year, you've noticed the latest cinematic craze called Juno. It's about a sixteen year old girl that gets pregnant. The movie deals with teen pregnancy, inter-marital affairs, and other controversial issues that affect society right now. The movie has been very well-recieved by the critics. For example, Roger Ebert claims that Juno is "The Best Picture of the Year." He also says that it is "A Fresh, Unusually Intelligent Comedy." The Motion Picture Association of America has given Juno a PG-13 rating for "Mature, Thematic Material, Sexual Content and Language". The film stars Ellen Page as Juno MacGuff(the pregnant teen), Jennefer Garner as the adoptive mom-to-be, and a few other minor people. You can find this movie whereever DVD's are sold. As usual, read the archives!

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