Sunday, August 28, 2005

Woodward Dream Cruise

The Woodward Dream Cruise has some to Detroit. By the time that this is published, it will probably be after the Woodward Dream Cruise has ended. The Dream Cruise is a big event for Detroit, because cars come from all across America to cruise down Woodward Avenue. In Detroit Woodward Avenue is the dividing line between the East side of Detroit and the West side of Detroit. Both sides are great. Anyway back to Woodward. Classic cars are the cars that are in the Dream Cruise. NOTES AFTER THE CRUISE: We had a lot of news coverage this year. Channel 7 (ABC) called themselves the offical Dream Cruise Station. They had constant coverage of the Dream Cruise which was fun to watch. The news helicopter showed traffic back to back like it is in cities like New York. In Detroit, we don't have as bad of traffic as some other cities. We're lucky that way. :) TTFN Ta Ta For Now!

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